
Showing posts from September, 2015

My Little Girl Is 2!

I can't believe that today my sweet little girl turned two, seems like just yesterday that I was holding her for the very first time and hearing her cry. One of the best days of my life! Two years flew by, chloe is growing into such an amazing little girl, I lover her personality so much it's so sweet.  Brand new to 2 years old! Yesterday was her birthday party, as you may have seen in previous posts, her theme was teddy bear picnic. She had a great time, we did cookie decorating and coloring and making name tags for our bears. There weren't too many kids, just my niece, nephew and my little cousin, along with Chloe of course. They call had lots of fun, everyone liked the food, decorations and everything.  Here's some of the decorations and the food table:  The three white plates eventually had hotdogs, hamburgers, sausage and wings. It was a great party! I was very please at how it all came together, it took a lot of planning! I was extremely organized and pretty proud...

Easy DIY Wedding Gift

On Saturday, Chloe, Logan and I attended a wedding. Chloe was the flower girl and I was taking pictures. The couple asked that instead of bringing a gift that it would be like a potluck and everyone could bring a dish. I did to that although I also really wanted to give the bride and groom a gift from the three of us. After brainstorming and searching Pinterest I finally came up with an idea that was super easy and quick to make.  I cut a small board off of a pallet that I had out behind my garage. You could use any piece of wood you wanted, Michaels I'm sure has something that would work well. I already had a pallet so I decided to use that. I just used a saw to cut it off, I would have used a crowbar but the boards were snapping when I tried that.  After I got it cut I used some sand paper to smooth it out just a bit, to clean off the dirt and so no one would get any splinters from it. When that was done, which didn't take long at all, I got out my paint. I choose to use whi...

1st Q&A

Here's a few random things about me, 20 to be exact! Only part one though, so more to come! These are pretty basic, so for the next time I'll try and dig a little deeper. Enjoy, if you have any ideas or there are thing you wanna know let me know here, Instagram (@17with2under2 )or on (@mamaof2littles ) thanks :) 1.Middle Name- Grace 2.Zodiac- Leo 3.Bestfriend- Besides my family, I would have to say my friend Liv, he have became such great friends over this last year 4.Current Favorite Song- Don't Let Her Be Gone-Gord Bamford, I believe it's his newest song 5.Relationship Status- Technically single but it's complicated and a long story 6.Number ofTattoos/Piercings- 0 tattoos, and 6 piercings (ears and belly button) 7.Current Emotion- Unbeliveably tired, been up since super early 8. My Pets- Mittens my cat and Ozzy my dog 9.My Job- Water Safety Instructor (aka I teach swimming lessons) 10.A Talent of Mine- Used to be swimming when I was ...

Potty Training On The Go

Here is my list of a few things that you might want to keep in your diaper bag when you are potty training your child or they have recently been potty trained! :)  •Folding Potty Seat - (picture shown below)  •AntiBacterial Wipes •Baby Wipes •Exrta Undies -incase of accidents •Change of Pants -also incase of any accidents •Wet Bag - maybe to store the potty seat, or possibly to put dirty clothes in until you get home if your child has an accident • Extra Training Diapers •Book - if you have a child that doesn't want to sit still any length of time, may keep their mind occupied so they will stay sitting, or maybe a little toy of some sort •Rewards - only of course if you are choosing to do any kind of rewards or rewards chart, personally I am I'm pretty sure I just haven't decided 100% how or what the rewards are going to be Here's a picture of the folding potty seat, I had actually never seen a potty seat before that sat on the toilet that folded up like this before! I ...

1st Breastfeeding Milestone

On Tuesday, which was three days ago, Logan and I reached out very first big breastfeeding milestones! Yay for us! On September 8th Logan turned 3 months, which means I made it three months breastfeeding him. I'm feeling so accomplished, I had i difficult time with breastfeeding when Chloe was this age so I'm happy to say Logan and I got to three months and still going strong!  Man, I can't believe my little boy is already 3 months old, I remember all his kicks in my tummy and listening to his heartbeat. It feel like just yesterday that I was in labor and giving birth to him. I'd love to relive that moment that I first got to hold my precious little guy. I miss the belly and the tiny little newborn so much (don't worry, not enough though, I'm good with two for awhile haha), but I also love hop this age with all the smiles and little giggles. It melts my heart! It's been a month since he was at the doctor last so I'm not sure of his current weight and len...

So the Potty Training Journey Begins

Proud mommy moment: Chloe peed on the potty yesterday for the first time! Yay!  For awhile I went back and forth over when I would start Chloe on potty training. Ultimately in the end I decided to wait until I really thought she was ready and could understand a little more to be willing. That time has come, last night we came in the house after swimming and she wanted to sit on the potty. I have gotten her to sit on her potty numerous times in the past but nothing, this time she peed! I'm not 100% sure on how I plan to go about this process, she isn't quite two yet and isn't in daycare or anything so I'm in no major rush to get things done as quickly as possible.  Here is my list of essential to start off the potty training journey with: •A potty of course! •A stool, for reaching the sink to wash hands and also is your potty seat sits right on the toilet • Pull ups or some sort of training pants •Adorable undies •A book about potty training to make your child interested...

My Birth Plan

Full Name: Madison Partner’s Name: Due Date/ Induction Date: June 25th 2015 Doctor’s Name: Hospital Name: Please Note That I Have: Have group B strep Am Rh incompatible with baby Have gestational diabetes None of these My Delivery is Planned as: Vaginal C-Section I would like: Partner: Parents: Trudy (before and during), Scott (before) Other: My daughter Chloe (before) ...Present before and/or during delivery. During labor I would like: Music played The lights dimmed The room as quiet as possible As few interruptions as possible As few vaginal exams as possible No students or interns To wear my own clothes My labor/delivery filmed and or pictures taken (by:____________________) My partner to be present at all times To stay hydrated with clear liquids and ice chips To eat and drink as approved by my doctor I would like to spend the first stage of labor: Standing Lying down Walking around Sitting All the above I would like labor augmentation: Performed only if baby is in distress (1st) ...

Birthday Checklist

3 Months Before • Choose a party theme •Set party date and time •Decide on a budget •Create a guest list •If hiring anyone or ordering anything, do it now 6 Weeks Before •Plan menu •Plan party decor 1 Month Before •If ordering any food, do it now •If renting anything, do it now 3 Weeks Before •Send out invitations •Decide on games/activities, buy any supplies needed •Order or pick up treat bag supplies 1 Weeks Before •Purchase all non-perishable food and drinks •If making a cake, bake it and freeze it •Stock treat bags •Write out schedule of activities and/or games for party •Contact non-RSVPed guest to get a head count  3 Days Before •Set up food and/or dessert table without food to see what it looks like 2 Days Before •Purshase perishable foods •Clean house, make sure their are hand towels and enough toilet paper •Make sure camera is ready to go 1 Day Before • Prepare food that can be refrigerated •Defrost cake •Refriderate drinks •Decorate •Get and games/activities set up Day of...

Hello September

Today is September first! Can't believe that summer is already over, school starts back up on the 3rd. Not that that affects me haha, I'm probably not going back to school until second semester (February). This year should be my senior year although I'm fairly behind so more like just grade 11. I've been doing correspondence courses since early March but I procrastinated a lot until recently. I would love to be able to graduate with my class, though I have come to terms with the fact that graduating this year is highly unlikely but I'm going to stay positive and try my hardest! Worst case scenario I have to do one extra semester. I have been in contact with the local community college to see if they can help me out with come credits, I'm meeting with my guidance counsellor tomorrow to figure out my year plan. I think the fact that this year should be my senior year with prom and safe grad and all the fun stuff is really motivating me to try my hardest to graduat...