My Little Girl Is 2!
I can't believe that today my sweet little girl turned two, seems like just yesterday that I was holding her for the very first time and hearing her cry. One of the best days of my life! Two years flew by, chloe is growing into such an amazing little girl, I lover her personality so much it's so sweet. Brand new to 2 years old! Yesterday was her birthday party, as you may have seen in previous posts, her theme was teddy bear picnic. She had a great time, we did cookie decorating and coloring and making name tags for our bears. There weren't too many kids, just my niece, nephew and my little cousin, along with Chloe of course. They call had lots of fun, everyone liked the food, decorations and everything. Here's some of the decorations and the food table: The three white plates eventually had hotdogs, hamburgers, sausage and wings. It was a great party! I was very please at how it all came together, it took a lot of planning! I was extremely organized and pretty proud...