Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone, I hope that you all had a great day! My kids and I had a good day, unfortunately we were snowed in and have been for two days. We got a huge blizzard here on the east coast of Canada. I’m sure this put a damper on Valentine’s Day for people affected where basically everything was closed Monday and today.
As for our day, we didn’t do too much. Mostly had a lazy day with a few crafts and heart themed supper. I made some heart shaped french toast (Logan loved it, he loves dipping food) with that some veggies, cheese and applesauce. The other day I gave the kids valentine pyjamas and a little gift. In their gift was a book, stickers, treat, stuffed toy, and a few other random things. Here is a picture of them opening their gift the other day.
I was hoping to have as a few other posts for valentine’s day this year. However with it storming all weekend and last week, my internet connection hasn't been the greatest and I have also been so distracted lately. Two of which were V-Day Crafts and V-Day Gift Ideas. Which was actually pretty much done, I just was unable to post due to connection and now it seems pointless. I may still post the collage of gift ideas on Instagram even though it is after the fact just to share it with everyone.
Valentine’s Day Tag
1. What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day/Why?
I have never really liked it, probably because I have never had something special done for me before. Also, I feel like special things like thoughtful dates, etc shouldn’t just be one day a year when in a relationship it should be often. For my kids though it is fun to make treats and crafts!
2. Have you ever had a valentine before?
Not really ‘significant other’ wise, I have been in a relationship before on Valentine’s Day in the past but I have never done anything special for the day. My kids are my valentines and I couldn’t ask for anything better.
3. What is the cutest thing that you have ever experienced/seen a friend experience on Valentine’s Day?
Honestly, I can’t really think of anything. I don’t have any friends really and the ones I have had over the years I have only heard bad stories of what happened on their dates, etc.
4. What is your favorite Valentine’s Day candy?
I don’t know of any candies specific to valentine’s day, this year I have been loving peppermint patties and fruit tootsie roll candies.
5. Do you have a valentine this year?
My sweet kiddos! They are the best valentines ever!
6. If you were to get a gift on Valentine’s Day what would it be?
Probably flowers, roses specifically in an unusual color, and a pandora charm for my bracelet.
7. If you were to have a celebrity valentine, who would it be?
Tom Hardy maybe, I don’t really have a celebrity crush. At least not that I can think of right off.
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