Two Year Update-Almost One Year Late

It has been almost a whole year since Logan’s 2nd Birthday! To celebrate Logan’s Birthday we had lots of balloons, decorations and a baseball ice cream cake with the kids, my parents and myself. Also, my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin dropped in to wish Logan a Happy Birthday and have some cake with us. I had planned a big party for the weekend after his birthday but basically everyone invited couldn’t make it so we cancelled it. Instead, the kids, my mom and I went to the mall that is an hour away to go to Build-A-Bear and do some other shopping. On the way home we got blizzards at DQ, and all three little ones were fast asleep by the time we got home. Logan had a great birthday weekend, I am so glad because I was heartbroken that he wasn’t going to get a party with our whole family.

I seriously can’t believe that he isn’t my tiny little Logi Bear anymore. Although, he is still such a momma’s boy and I love it! Since turning 1, Logan has learned to walk, gotten all of his baby teeth and started saying many words. He is still a fair bit behind when it comes to speaking but he is definitely getting there. Logan has his own room but still insists on sleeping on the pull-out couch just outside of my room.

Logan’s personality has really developed over the last year, here are some of his favorite things:

Favorite Color- Blue
Favorite Show- PJ Masks and Ninja Turtles
Favorite Movie- Zootopia (he has seriously watched it 50 time, that is not an exaggeration)
Favorite Food- Constantly changing but currently it is Chicken & Rice
Favorite Activity- Swimming, and playing with his friends
Favorite Animal- Sharks (most of his clothes have sharks on them. Shirts, shoes and all!)

Logan just loves to be outside, he enjoys exploring and going for walks. When it comes to his best friend it’s a different person daily but Logan and Lucas love to play together. He is such a sweet little boy, always giving kisses and hugs to everyone. Logan loves his trains, he has so many of the little Thomas the Train minis, but really any cars or trucks will do. He recently started to pretend play a lot more, I am pretty sure he is learning it from his Sissy. They will pretend to cook, and be superheros and detectives. One of my absolute favorite things is watching the kids interact with each other, especially with the baby Lucas, both of them are so sweet and gentle with him..

Logan started daycare in September, since then he hasn’t been around  many other kids instead of just his siblings and cousins. He really enjoys daycare so far and it is helping him with speech and interacting and also he will actually eat and nap when he is at daycare. I have no idea how they do it!  The ECEs at his daycare are absolutely fantastic.

I actually wrote most of this months ago when I had planned to start back up again but never got around to it. I have had to revise it two times. Logan is currently almost 3 years old, he is still the sweetest, cuddliest boy ever. This post is so late, we are quickly approaching his 3rd birthday. It will soon be time for his 3 year update and the baby’s 1 year update!


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