19 Goals for 2019

I am quite happy with my goals for this new year, they are all very achievable and straight forward. I know this year will be a great one, I can feel it and I won't accept anything less than great. I have a lot planned for 2019 and I am prepared to go for it. Between being a mommy, school and blogging, my plate is pretty full but I'm not backing down! Here are my goals for 2019:

  1. Finish my entry level ECE
  2. Get my license
  3. Stay on top of my blog
  4. Get good marks in my online classes
  5. Get and stay super organized
  6. Start the process towards becoming a Doula
  7. Save up as much money as possible
  8. Work on getting into better shape
  9. Find the right for my family to live
  10. Apply and get into the ECE level 2 program
  11. Read more
  12. Cut back on caffeine
  13. Learn how to play the ukulele
  14. Keep learning French
  15. Get myself a vehicle
  16. Have a girl’s night once in awhile
  17. Continue Stella’s training
  18. Finish the story that I started writing
  19. Step outside my comfort zone a little more

What are your goals for 2019? Make a plan and stay focused, you will achieve them!!


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