Eve Box

This is a tradition that I started Chloe's first Christmas, so two Christmases ago. I thought it was a cute idea, growing up I always got pyjamas Christmas Eve so I thought I would add to it and start the Eve box. I was pretty excited about it, this is the first tradition I started with my own little family. Chloe really liked opening it up last year on Christmas Eve before getting ready for bed, her first Christmas she was too young to know the difference. This year being Logan's first Christmas he too will be too young to care but he will like his Jammie's and stuffed reindeer I'm sure! Chloe may not be too thrilled about the whole Santa key idea, she is saying she doesn't like Santa and that she doesn't want him to come.. I imagine in the morning she will be glad to see that he will be stopping at out house Christmas Eve night. 

The past two Christmases I have had fairly similar items included in my Eve box but there what I decided on for this year: 

2. Christmas mug
3. Reindeer food (oats, cereal, glitter and chips I think)
5. Popcorn
6. Itty bitty Rudolph and clairece (from hallmark)--http://shop.hallmark.com/gifts/stuffed-animals/itty-bittys/
7. Candy canes (not in picture)
8. Hot chocolate (not in picture)

9. Book- A Porcupine in a Pine Tree by Helaine Becker (from chapters)--https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/a-porcupine-in-a-pine/9780545986632-item.html

I considered putting in a Christmas DVD but honestly, I'm probably not going to use it. I do have a DVD player but all I ever watch most of the time is Netflix, and there are plenty of Christmas movies on there to watch. If your looking for some different ideas to add you might like-
-note from Santa
-an ornament
-cup and plate for Santa

Is the Christmas Eve box a tradition that you do in your house? Are there any ideas you have that I haven't listen above, if so I'd love to hear them! I hope that everyone is enjoying the holidays! :) 


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