V-Day Essentials: Single Girl Style
Well, Valentine's day is just around the corner. I don't know about you but I don't have anything special planned. Personally, the occasion has never really been a big deal to me. That could just be because I have only ever had a valentine once before. I will be spending my evening at home, alone, which i am perfectly okay with. My day won't be spent 100% alone though, I work until noon and then i will spend the afternoon cooking a valentines supper for my family and doing crafts with the kiddos. Once they are in bed though, it'll be just me.
See above for exactly how my night will be going down, it looks pretty good to me! To be honest, my night wouldn't look much different even if I had a boyfriend. I'm really not a huge fan of going out, its nice sometimes but usually i prefer to stay in. I can only think of a few differences if I had a boyfriend: 1. I wouldn't have to buy those chocolates for myself. 2. I would substitute that bubble bath for maybe a back or foot rub from my imaginary hubby. and 3. 'netflix and alone' if i had a boyfriend, more like netflix and chill if you know what i mean. Just joking..but not really haha.
Sweats in my warm bed, snacking on some popcorn or eating a tub of my favorite ice cream doesn't sound too bad to me. A big ole greasy pizza or Chinese food for supper, for one of course, that sounds good to me! Movies and chocolates, I think there is a bubble bath with my name on it. I rarely get some 'me' time to relax alone, with out the kiddos calling for me every two minutes.
Lets be real though, I love the day as much as the next girl but the expectations some people have of their significant other to get them something expensive or to plan a big date, or their secret crush professing their love to them. Only to be disappointed by the outcome. Maybe that's why the day isn't a big deal to me anymore, I dreamed of the amazing day and never got it. Now the only thing I'm setting myself up for is a little bit of feeling sorry for myself for not having a man in my life. I'm okay with that, any other day of the year I am perfectly happy being single at this time in my life. Don't get me wrong, it gets lonely but the amount that I have on my plate, a relationship in the mix wouldn't last, and preferably I would like the next relationship that I enter to turn into something serious and long term.
Whether your evening looks like mine of you have a special night out or what ever your plan are, I hope that you have a great time on Sunday. I'd love to hear what you have in store for the day, or the night. Comment below or on social media, I am looking forward to seeing the Valentines posts on my Instagram feed, I will be posting some of my own as well so check back on here, instagram and other social media!
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