About My Job!

Lately I have had a lot of people asking me if I have a job, what I do for work, etc. So first, yes I do have a job, it is only part time. For those who don't know from my profile or previous posts I work at a pool as a swimming instructor. I have been doing my job since mid October 2013 (less then a month after Chloe was born). This was my first real job that I have ever had. 

As a water safety instructor, my job is to teach anyone and everyone how to swim. I've taught parent and baby classes, kids and even taught adult lessons. Preschool levels and adult lessons are probably my favorite to teach out of all of them. I'm not usually a big fan of teaching the very first couple of levels only because you get kids who can swim great and ones who are terrified all in the same group. Which makes it hard to get everything don't that needs to get done with all the kids if you have one hanging off of you or swimming all over the place.

I have a love hate relationship with my job, I usually don't look forward to going but once I get there I enjoy teaching. The people I work with though, I'm not a big fan of a few people, I've had some issues with people in the past especially when I was pregnant with Logan. Thankfully things have gotten better since then.

My mom works at the same pool as well, and both of my brothers did too, a few years back. I am hopefully going to be a lifeguard soon also. Unfortunately, next school year I will be taking a lot of time off work, I am doing this because I will be at school almost full time and if I was working too I would barely ever see the kids. This summer I won't be working much either, I wish I could but the kids and school come first, I know I need money too but I have money to provide for them. Plus I live at home still so I don't really have bills to pay. 

Anyone else on here a swimming instructor, how do you like it? For anyone who is not, if you have any questions about anything swimming related I would be happy to answer it the best I can. This post is a bit short because I didn't know what all to include but feel free to ask questions if you have any, then maybe I can add that information in :D Thanks for taking the time to read my post! 


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