Create a cleaning schedule that will work for the whole family
Do you feel overwhelmed with cleaning and household chores which never seem to end? You can involve your whole family in the work and have more free time. Here are some strategies which you can use to create a cleaning schedule for your whole family. If you stick to them your home will be in excellent condition without you having to spend much of your time doing the domestic work on your own.
First thing you
should do is create a list of the daily, weekly and monthly chores which need
to be done. Include every cleaning and housekeeping task from vacuum cleaning,
laundry to dusting cabinets are advusing you from Tenancy Cleaning Chelsea. Make sure you divide the tasks between the members of your
family properly according to their abilities and age. Create a check list for
every day of the week and include every member of your family in the work. Put
the check list on a place where everyone will see in the living room or
somewhere else. Note when every task is accomplished and create a system for
motivating your kids to do their chores.
Prepare all
products and materials which your children will need for the cleaning and doing the household work. Make sure you supervise the younger kids
for their safety while they do the chores. Older children and teenagers can do
the work by themselves and may not need supervising.
Check your family
calendar and decide which days are most appropriate for weekly and monthly
cleaning. Take into account when everyone in your family is available and
choose the most suitable day. You have to involve every member to make sure the
work is done properly and the cleaning is effective enough.
Create family
meetings on which discuss with your family what are the cleaning tasks that
need to be done and how they can be done with best results. Make an example of
how certain chores should be carried out by demonstrating them. You can show
how the place should look like after the cleaning is completed with
illustrations. Try to motivate everybody to do their chores well and regularly
by explaining why it is important these tasks to be done.
Determine what
tasks needs to be done. Once you do this, you should group the tasks according
to the frequency which they need to be done. Then, assign which tasks for which
member of your family are most appropriate and create check lists and reminders
for everybody. This way everyone will know what is expected from him/her. Set a
deadline and a time in which the task should be completed. Create rules that
need to be followed by everyone. Encourage your kids to do their work with
prices according to their preferences and age.
Be realistic
about what you can expect and don't assign too complex tasks to your younger
kids. Two and three year old kids can pick their toys from the floor, four to
six years old kids can make their beds, feed the pet, teens can do more complex
Cleaning and
doing the household work can be done with less efforts on your side and take
you less time if you involve everybody in your family. By creating a schedule
that is suitable for your family and work for it, you will save time, efforts
and keep your house tidy and clean at all times. Use the ideas given above to
maintain your home and you will see how easy this can be. Introduce the
innovations step by step checking if everyone agrees with them and is ready to
do the tasks that are expected from him.
Guest Post by Daisy Hargreaves
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