I`m Back!

Okay, so lately I have been not so active with posting on here or on Instagram. Also, I haven't been using my Facebook page either. I have been so busy with work and school, exams and all that fun stuff, ya know. I am officially done the school year and prom is this week! I have been pretty sad lately about the fact that I wont be graduating with my class, a lot of the people I have gone to school with forever I could possibly never see again. Some people I know are going all over the country for university and college.

I myself actually have some new news about my plans for school but I will share that in another post along with some other super exciting news that I have to share very soon but no hints for that! ;) I might make a poll to see what every one thinks it might be. I`ll let yall know!

I wish I had of gotten the chance to do at least one fathers day post but it didn't work into my schedule unfortunately. I hope that everyone had a great father`s day yesterday! My family didn't do to much for the day, my father was golfing all day and Chloe`s father didn't make it home for a visit.

This summer I WILL be starting to make YouTube videos, I know I have been saying that for awhile now but I need to just tell myself I am so I can stop procrastinating and get on all the ideas that I have. If you have any ideas for posts of videos comment them below!

Thanks to everyone who reads my posts! It is greatly appreciated, remember to follow me on social media, links are on the Contact Me page. :D


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