
Showing posts from 2017

Gender Prediction Myths!

After a ton of googling I put together a mater list of all the myths on how to predict the gender, there may be some that I missed but I don't thinks so. None of these methods are 100% accurate, if I had to pick two that I would believe more then the others it would be the skull theory and my instinct. Which methods were correct for you? I have heard from a lot of people that the Chinese Calendar is really accurate, however for me it was wrong with both my kids. I have also heard mothers swear by the heart rate being greater or less than 140 bpm and the ring on a string test.  Going by all my answers to these prediction myths what to you think that my baby will be? So far most people have guess that it will be a girl, some have guessed boy but not near as many. Comment below or on my Instagram post so I can do a tally of what everyone thinks before the gender reveal! Chinese Calendar Boy Mayan Calendar Boy Carrying High(girl) or Low(boy) Girl Growing Rounder(...

I’m Not Going to Miss Being Pregnant...

I am now officially 24 weeks pregnant aka 6 months. I feel more like 30 weeks pregnant! When I was pregnant with Chloe and Logan I enjoyed being pregnant, more so with Logan. This time, I already want this to be over. I’m so done being pregnant already and I still have 16 or so more weeks left to go. Here are some of the things I am not going to miss about being pregnant. Not fitting in any of my clothes. I now only fit in about 10 different clothing pieces..most of which are pyjamas. I get so frustrated some days trying to get dressed, either everything is too tight or it doesn’t cover my bump. I still have some maternity clothes from Chloe and Logan but it is mostly summery and I have to dig that all out still. Uncomfortable baby movements. My last pregnancies I loved feeling baby move around. This time around, don’t get me wrong it’s an amazing feeling but a majority of the time the baby is kicking me in my cervix and it is extremely uncomfortable! I remembered baby movem...

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone, I hope that you all had a great day! My kids and I had a good day, unfortunately we were snowed in and have been for two days. We got a huge blizzard here on the east coast of Canada. I’m sure this put a damper on Valentine’s Day for people affected where basically everything was closed Monday and today. As for our day, we didn’t do too much. Mostly had a lazy day with a few crafts and heart themed supper. I made some heart shaped french toast (Logan loved it, he loves dipping food) with that some veggies, cheese and applesauce. The other day I gave the kids valentine pyjamas and a little gift. In their gift was a book, stickers, treat, stuffed toy, and a few other random things. Here is a picture of them opening their gift  the other day.                                                I was hoping to have as a few othe...


This Friday I will be 23 weeks pregnant, give or take 17 weeks left! So far I have had 3 ultrasounds and probably won’t be having another this pregnancy it's hard to say. My most recent Doctor’s appointment was this past Tuesday and my next one is in a month. After that I will start going to the doctor every two weeks instead of once a month. I decided Tuesday to get the gender of the baby put into an envelope and I do now know what the baby is. However, I will not be sharing the gender with everyone at this time, but I probably will before he or she makes their grand entrance. How I’ve been feeling: Lately I have been feeling super irritable and anxious. I have been trying not to stress out or get too overwhelmed. Other then that I have been having lots of regular pregnancy symptoms, I feel like I am so much farther along than I actually am. Below are the main symptoms that I have been feeling. Symptoms: -Headaches -Braxton Hicks -Insomnia -Heartburn -Ext...

Keeping the Gender A Secret??

Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I have been set on keeping the gender a secret.Three weeks ago I had the option of finding out the gender and I will have another chance in two weeks. So far I`ve stayed strong and kept it a secret, though I still may find out at some point in my pregnancy. There are a few reasons that lead me to decide on not finding out the sex. In the beginning the main two were that seeing as I already have one of each I don’t have a preference for the tie breaker and I find it hard to resist buying baby things, especially tiny newborn clothes. These are both still true for the most part, I would like to avoid buying anything unnecessary to save money and so mine and the baby's room won't get cluttered with things that won't get worn or used. Also, I don't have a preference either way, however my mommy instinct is telling me one thing and for awhile I have been so sure that it will be what I think. Now I am realizing that as much as I think I...

My Struggle with Anxiety

For as long as I can remember I have been dealing with anxiety, it really picked up right before I got pregnant with my daughter.  While pregnant I found myself getting very claustrophobic really easily and because of the sickness I hated going anywhere. After giving birth my anxiousness subsided a lot. It was really only noticable when I had to publicly speak, had an appointment and things like that. When I got pregnant with my son, which was shortly after Chloe turned one, right away I was anxious all the time. It got worse throughout my pregnancy. I dreaded going to school, being in the car, going anywhere, I would say the biggest reasons would be the sickness again and not so nice people. After having my son I was fine for a short time, about 4 or 5 months I managed with only mild anxiety. After that it got worse then ever, I was so miserable. I didn’t leave the house, I didn’t talk to barely anyone, also I was mildly depressed on and off. Close to the spring my doctor a...