Gender Prediction Myths!
After a ton of googling I put together a mater list of all the myths on how to predict the gender, there may be some that I missed but I don't thinks so. None of these methods are 100% accurate, if I had to pick two that I would believe more then the others it would be the skull theory and my instinct. Which methods were correct for you? I have heard from a lot of people that the Chinese Calendar is really accurate, however for me it was wrong with both my kids. I have also heard mothers swear by the heart rate being greater or less than 140 bpm and the ring on a string test. Going by all my answers to these prediction myths what to you think that my baby will be? So far most people have guess that it will be a girl, some have guessed boy but not near as many. Comment below or on my Instagram post so I can do a tally of what everyone thinks before the gender reveal! Chinese Calendar Boy Mayan Calendar Boy Carrying High(girl) or Low(boy) Girl Growing Rounder(...