Keeping the Gender A Secret??
Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I have been set on keeping the gender a secret.Three weeks ago I had the option of finding out the gender and I will have another chance in two weeks. So far I`ve stayed strong and kept it a secret, though I still may find out at some point in my pregnancy. There are a few reasons that lead me to decide on not finding out the sex.
In the beginning the main two were that seeing as I already have one of each I don’t have a preference for the tie breaker and I find it hard to resist buying baby things, especially tiny newborn clothes. These are both still true for the most part, I would like to avoid buying anything unnecessary to save money and so mine and the baby's room won't get cluttered with things that won't get worn or used. Also, I don't have a preference either way, however my mommy instinct is telling me one thing and for awhile I have been so sure that it will be what I think. Now I am realizing that as much as I think I know and my instinct was right with my first two there is still and 50% chance I can be wrong.
I will be absolutely happy with either outcome but at this point I am not prepared for being wrong, I don't have a name picked out or nursery ideas ready for if I am wrong. There has been no doubt in my mind since the beginning so I am debating finding out closer to the end of my pregnancy so that I can be a little more prepared for labor and delivery which I am anxious enough about already. I have not decided for sure yet but I will probably figure out what I plan to do before my next appointment in two weeks so that I can get my doctor to write the gender down and put it in an envelope. At the moment I am leaning towards keeping the sex of the baby a surprise. If I do find out I also don`t know if I will announce to my family and friends or on my blog and social media.
I will keep everyone updated on my plans and how everything is going, at this time there hasn't been too much to update on but I will be doing a Pregnancy Q&A really soon so if there are any questions you want to know the answers on comment below or message me! I will be logging back on to KiK and to take questions. So ask away! :)
Are you or did you find out the gender of your baby before birth? Why or why not? There are many more pros and cons of not finding out the gender that I can think of such as motivations during labor and delivery to find out what the baby is. Also, sometime doctors and ultrasound techs are wrong, I can’t imagine buying everything pink for a girl only to find out that the baby is actually a boy or vice versa.
**There aren't many days left until the end of my giveaway so make sure to check it out and enter!**
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