Pregnancy Halfway Point
I have reached the halfway point! Give or take 20 weeks left to go. I am very anxious for the pregnancy to be over. I find it so hard to get any sleep already, so it will be a long 20 weeks if this keeps up. I am not showing that much yet in my opinion compared to my last two pregnancies.
I have my second and probably last ultrasound next week. I am looking forward to getting to see the baby at this one. Hopefully the baby will be in a good position for pictures. I will more then likely post one if I get any good ones. I’m not sure what all to share in the pregnancy update. As of right now there isn’t too much to share, so below I will also do the pregnancy tag again.
I apologize that I haven’t been updating very much, starting now I will be sharing so much more about this pregnancy. It’s hard to believe that I am already half way through. Time has flown so fast but I have a feeling that the next 20 or so weeks will be going a lot slower, I have plenty left to do so time going by slower near the end isn’t a bad thing.
My due date has been changed a few times so far, as of now June 9th is the date I am going with. My due date is also the day after Logan’s birthday so I am hoping that the baby will come a couple weeks early. However I know he/she will come whenever he/she is ready to come. Look forward to lots of pregnancy related posts to come, there are already many in the works! Comment below if there is anything else I should include in the next update or any posts you would like to see in the future.
Below are two recent bump pictures, four weeks difference between the two. There will be many more bump pictures to come! Comment below if you want to guess the gender based on how I'm carrying. I will be doing a gender myths post sometime over the next couple of weeks also! Keep reading below for an updated Pregnancy Tag.
Below are two recent bump pictures, four weeks difference between the two. There will be many more bump pictures to come! Comment below if you want to guess the gender based on how I'm carrying. I will be doing a gender myths post sometime over the next couple of weeks also! Keep reading below for an updated Pregnancy Tag.
Pregnancy Tag
-How many weeks are you?
I am 20 weeks, so halfway through my pregnancy. I will find out at my ultrasound next week if my date will get moved at all. My belly is measuring ahead so they may but I’m not sure.
-How did you find out?
I took a test because I hadn’t really had a real period for awhile. However, I didn’t think much of it because that was normal where I was on the birth control pill at the time.
-How old were you when you found out?
I was 18 when I found out, which I still am now.
-Was this pregnancy planned or a surprise?
100% a surprise, not planned one bit. I was on birth control when I got pregnant.
-What was your reactions?
Seeing as I was on birth control I was very shocked and unhappy. No part of me thought it was going to show up positive.
-What was your partner’s reaction?
He was equally as shocked as I was, he was the one who told me to take a test but only so I wouldn’t be paranoid about it.
-How did your families react?
They were not thrilled obviously, not all of my family knows yet.
-Is this your first pregnancy?
No, I have had two previous pregnancies, making this one my third.
-Are you having just one baby or multiples?
Definitely just one, I have had that confirmed by an ultrasound. In the very beginning when I found out I had so many dreams that it was going to be twins, I was so nervous for my first ultrasound.
-Do you know the gender of the baby?
No I do not, at my last ultrasound it was too early to tell anything.
-What gender are you hoping for?
I will be happy with either, I already have one of each so this is tie breaker baby.
-What symptoms have you been having so far?
Lately, a lot of round ligament pain and backaches. Also a bit of heartburn in the last few days, I have had a huge appetite in the last month and a half.
-What is your biggest craving?
At the moment, I would say oranges. Besides that I haven’t really had any big cravings like I did with my last two kids.
-Have you thought of any names?
I have a little bit, I have a few in mind for a boy and for a girl but nothing set in stone yet. I’ll be thinking more on this in the weeks to come.
-Do you have any ideas for the nursery?
Not at the moment, the baby isn’t going to have much of nursery seeing as we will be sharing a room it will be more of a side of the room.
-Will you have anymore after this baby?
I really don’t know, after Logan I knew that I wanted to have another baby someday. Just not this soon. Now I’m not sure if I ever want anymore, no one knows what the future holds though.
-What have been the best and worst parts so far?
-Have you had an ultrasound yet?
I had one to find out how far along I am and to make sure the baby is healthy. My next one is in a little less than a week. It is the 20 week scan, to check all the baby’s measurements, double check that everything is healthy with the baby and find out the baby’s sex.
-Are you nervous for labor and delivery?
Not really, my labor was really quick with my first two so it probably will be this time around also. I am looking forward to it more than I am dreading it.
-Do you plan to breastfeed?
Yes, I do plan to breastfeed this baby. Probably until the baby is about a year old, just like I did with Logan.
-What is your plan for maternity/parental leave?
As of now, I am a stay at home mom with a little bit of photography on the side. Sometime after I have the baby I will probably go back to working, I’m just not sure where.
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