Welcome to our little family, Fruitcake! This year is our first year with an elf on the shelf, I'm so excited! Probably more excited then Chloe is I'm sure. Our elf arrived on November 28th (because I just couldn't wait any longer haha). This is where we've found him so far-
- on the right was the first day, bottom left was the second day and top left was the third day-
I wasn't sure if our elf would arrive early or wait until like a couple weeks before Christmas, but I ended up deciding for early. I think from now on our scout elf will arrive on the last day of November every year. I have so many cute ideas for these few weeks before Christmas, it's hard to believe that there aren't too many more days before Christmas!
So far Chloe has been pretty excited to find fruitcake in the mornings but she doesn't remember when she wakes up, I remind her to find him. She is still a little too young to remember when she wakes up and I'm sure she doesn't get the concept of the elf watching to make sure she is good. I wish she understood already, these last couple days she has been pretty crazy!
How old were your kids when you adopted your scout elf? What's his or her name? Do you have any cute ideas you couple share with me on where to place the elf? Comment or message me! :)
Here's the link to where I found the elf note and mini color pages- http://kidsactivitiesblog.com/65308/elf-shelf-sized-coloring-sheets-kid-sized-coloring-sheets
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