If I Found a Pot of Gold...

There are only a few days left until St. Patrick's Day, so I'm going to get started with the themed posts. Today, I am going to make a list of all the things I would do if I found a pot of gold. So here it goes!

If I found a pot of gold I would..

• Buy a big house for my little family
• Renovate my parent's house 
• Pay for my university
• Put away some money for my kids education
• Buy myself and my daughter a horse
• Self publish the book(s) that I want to write
• Own my own business
• Buy a truck and a nice car
• Donate money to charity- Melanoma research, my local hospital and the pool I work for
• Get myself a cow, donkey, ducks, plus other livestock
• Take my whole family of a vacation
• Go on a trip to Europe
• Have my dream wedding and honeymoon 
• Furnish my new beautiful home
• Get some toys (boat, jetski, fourwheeler)

I'm sure there are more things that I could add but those would be the top things that I would do. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Comment below and let me know :D Stay tuned for my next St. Paddy's Day themed post that will be going up Tuesday! 


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