Leprechaun Box

Ever since way back when I was little my mom had always done this tradition with me St. Patrick's Day. I stopped doing it when I stopped believing but now that I have kids of my own I can continue it with them. So yesterday Chloe and I decorated a box that I picked up from Michaels at Valentine's Day. That night we set it in the moon light before Chloe went to bed. 

Above is the Legend of the Leprechauns story that I typed up and glued to the bottom of the box. I found it online, it isn't exactly like I remember when I was little but it was the closest I could find. I wish I could have gotten this post out a bit earlier but I hope you enjoy it and keep this idea in mind for next year. I had lots of other ideas for St. Patrick's Day as well, I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get around to them but I have been super busy! 

How cute is Chloe decorating her leprechaun box!? Who else does this tradition with their kiddos? Or did it when you were younger? Comment below I'd love to here, is your legend different then mine, if so id like to here it to see if it is the one I remember :) Happy St. Patrick's Day! 


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