My Facebook Detox
I have been wanting to do this for awhile now but there has always been friends that I only talk to through Facebook and family that I have that doesn't live very close. Last week was a really stressful week for me so I just said "you know what, know is the time to finally get rid of it". I only temporarily deactivated my profile and messenger, I think that I will keep it that way for at least a month in not longer. Before I did it I messaged a few friends and gave them my number and email in case they wanted to get ahold of me. As for family, my mom has Facebook so I can just share pictures of the kids with family that way.
It has only been a little over 24 hours since I've been Facebook free but I honestly feel a huge weight come off my shoulders. Facebook creates so much drama and I was just getting sick of it. Along with deleting Facebook I deleted bunch of contacts out of my phone and off of my snapchat. Mainly just my ex, a couple guys that bug me and anyone I never talk to. You wouldn't think I would but I feel so much more relaxed!
I even got rid of the icons on my phone, you wouldn't believe the amount of times I have gone to check Facebook and realize that it's not there. I used to spend so much time throughout the day just scrolling through Facebook, and especially with it being nicer outside I just want to not waste time and enjoy time with my kids without getting Facebook notifications or snaps. I really recommend everyone do this, even if it is just for a week! I never thought I would be able to do it but once I decided to it was no big deal I was kind of excited about it!
Obviously I would want to disconnect totally from social media because of Pinterest, this blog and my Instagram. But I have definitely cut back on Instagram and I am still working on cutting back on Pinterest a little. I am not sure if that will happen though haha! Who else likes to disconnect themselves from social media for short or even long periods on time? Isn't it just so great, I think you truly don't realize how much time you waste on it until you take it out totally.
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