My Pet Peeves

In case you happen to not know what a pet peeve is; it is something in particular that you find extremely annoying. You may or may not have any that come to mind right away but everyone has at least one, usually more though. I’m going to share a few of mine with you, these are in no particular order.

First one, people who are always on their cell phones, specifically when having a conversation with someone or during a meal. Also, when parents pay more attention to their phone then what their kids are doing, I understand if you are taking a picture, checking something quickly or replying to an important message.I promise I am in no way saying that you are a bad parent if you do this. This is more that I have a thing about phones, I rarely have mine in arms reach I could easily live without it if I had to. Maybe it's just because I never have anyone to talk to so I often set it down and forget where it is for a day or two.

Another one of my pet peeves is when people take selfies in front of other people. One of my friends would do this when we hung out but we were pretty close and it didn't bother me. It’s more annoying to me in situations where it's especially unnecessarily. For example: I used to work with this girl a couple year older then me, she worked the front desk/cash. I would chat with her while on my break, we would be in the mind of a conversation, in front of people coming and going out of the facility, and she would randomly take a selfie on snapchat like 10 different times during the conversation.

Next pet peeve- when people interrupt me or talk over me and basically not let anyone else get a work in. I can not stand this at all, it is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. What's the point of talking to someone or asking questions if you aren't going to give the other person/people the opportunity to respond. So far all three I have listed all full in the category of being rude and disrespectful when interacting with others.

This next one is also similar to the first three. Some people do not know how or when to bring up controversial issues in a conversation with someone. I was always told the three things you never talk about with acquaintances is Religion, Politics and Sexual Orientation. All three are very controversial and everyone has their own opinions. Personally, I don't mind discussing my views on these and other issues but I am very careful on what I say so I don’t offend anyone unintentionally. I have met some people who bring these and other topics up at the worst times and when they do they fight your opinions attempting to start a debate or they push their views at other. I am an extremely open-minded and non-judgemental person so I think that is why this bothers me so much. Everyone is allowed to have their own views and opinions and no one should ever attack those.

Lastly, on my list of pet peeves is people who act really entitled to everything and think they are better and above everyone else. I don’t know why this gets on my nerves so bad but it really does. No one should ever act this way, no matter who you are. Out of all 5 pet peeves I would have to say that people who are judgemental and stuck up thinking they are better then others are definitely at the top of my list. I have always been irritated by this, not sure why, maybe because I have always had people around me who are like this.

I have a couple other minor ones that I didn’t list above, What are some of your pet peeves? I’d love to hear them, I bet their are lots of people out there who have the same ones as me. Let me know in the comments below, Thanks for reading! I hope everyone had a Great Christmas :)


I was meaning to post a few times since the last post but I wasn’t much in the mood for writing and sharing. I haven’t been much in the last couple weeks. Being told what I can and can’t post about makes me not want to post at all. I started this blog to share my story and my experiences. I love to write and no matter how good or bad I am, I enjoy it. However, it still bothers me that even after asking certain people to stay out of my business, it still hasn't happened. If you want to read my posts, that is fine I don’t mind at all, that is what I blog for, but if you want to act childish twisting my words and “telling on me’ I can say one thing. I am not the only one who thinks you are acting so ridiculous. This is only for one person in particular, if you don’t know me personally then don’t worry it isn’t directed at you. Hopefully this is the last time I will have to say this, if you judge me or are going to act rude and immature you have no place in my life. Tell on me all you want for saying that but no one who acts this way towards my family will have any part of it. Talking bad about others only makes yourself look bad in the end.

To everyone else, I apologize for that little rant above but apparently it had to be said again, hopefully for the last time. I am looking forward to posting what I want again, I hope you are looking forward to reading :)


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