
Showing posts from January, 2017

Keeping the Gender A Secret??

Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I have been set on keeping the gender a secret.Three weeks ago I had the option of finding out the gender and I will have another chance in two weeks. So far I`ve stayed strong and kept it a secret, though I still may find out at some point in my pregnancy. There are a few reasons that lead me to decide on not finding out the sex. In the beginning the main two were that seeing as I already have one of each I don’t have a preference for the tie breaker and I find it hard to resist buying baby things, especially tiny newborn clothes. These are both still true for the most part, I would like to avoid buying anything unnecessary to save money and so mine and the baby's room won't get cluttered with things that won't get worn or used. Also, I don't have a preference either way, however my mommy instinct is telling me one thing and for awhile I have been so sure that it will be what I think. Now I am realizing that as much as I think I...

My Struggle with Anxiety

For as long as I can remember I have been dealing with anxiety, it really picked up right before I got pregnant with my daughter.  While pregnant I found myself getting very claustrophobic really easily and because of the sickness I hated going anywhere. After giving birth my anxiousness subsided a lot. It was really only noticable when I had to publicly speak, had an appointment and things like that. When I got pregnant with my son, which was shortly after Chloe turned one, right away I was anxious all the time. It got worse throughout my pregnancy. I dreaded going to school, being in the car, going anywhere, I would say the biggest reasons would be the sickness again and not so nice people. After having my son I was fine for a short time, about 4 or 5 months I managed with only mild anxiety. After that it got worse then ever, I was so miserable. I didn’t leave the house, I didn’t talk to barely anyone, also I was mildly depressed on and off. Close to the spring my doctor a...

Pregnancy Halfway Point

I have reached the halfway point! Give or take 20 weeks left to go. I am very anxious for the pregnancy to be over. I find it so hard to get any sleep already, so it will be a long 20 weeks if this keeps up. I am not showing that much yet in my opinion compared to my last two pregnancies. I have my second and probably last ultrasound next week. I am looking forward to getting to see the baby at this one. Hopefully the baby will be in a good position for pictures. I will more then likely post one if I get any good ones. I’m not sure what all to share in the pregnancy update. As of right now there isn’t too much to share, so below I will also do the pregnancy tag again. I apologize that I haven’t been updating very much, starting now I will be sharing so much more about this pregnancy. It’s hard to believe that I am already half way through. Time has flown so fast but I have a feeling that the next 20 or so weeks will be going a lot slower, I have plenty left to do so time going...

Story Time: My Experiences with Birth Control

A few people have asked what birth control I was on when I got pregnant and some have assumed I wasn’t on any at all. I wanted to do this post to share my experiences with the different forms of birth control I have used. Just remember everyone is different, what wasn’t good for me or someone else could be be great for you or vise versa. I only have experience with condoms, the patch and multiple brands of the pill. I will start with when I got pregnant with my daughter. I was extremely young so I was not taking a form of birth control. However, my boyfriend at the time and I used condoms. So no, my daughter, my first, was in no way planned. Chloe came from horrible bad luck that turned into the best thing that could have ever happened to me and her whole family. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, I am thankful that this is the path I was dealt even though I was so young. After I stopped breastfeeding Chloe I started taking the pill. I took the same brand for q...

2nd Trimester To-Do List

The middle months of pregnancy are probably the best ones to try and get most of the things you need done in. Usually by the second trimester the morning sickness and extreme tiredness has wore off at least a little bit and you haven't hit the third trimester yet where you are more likely to become increasingly uncomfortable and not as eager to be up and moving all the time. Here is a list of some of the things that I could think of that you might want to add to your second trimester to-do list. Second Trimester To-Do List Announce to family They usually say around the beginning of the second trimester is the best time to announce to family and friends. Although timing is all up to you, many people choose to announce earlier or later in their pregnancy. Prenatal tests Blood work, Gestational diabetes test, for example, there are also a few more I have heard of but I can’t think of the names of. Tell boss After announcing to family and friends, you might decide ...

17 Goals for 2017

I did this post last year, so I wanted to do it again, Originally, I planned on taking my 16 goals for 2016 and comparing it to my goals for this year and saying which ones I completed. Unfortunately, last year I started a lot of my goals but didn't completely finish any of them. This year I hope to stick to all my goals and continue to come up with new ones as I finish the ones below. What are some of your goals for the new year? :) This year I am going to do an update on how my goals are going in 3-6 months, hopefully that will remind me not to get off track. I sure hope that I will be able to cross a few things off and create some new goals! Social Media -Stick to the schedule I have created for my blog posts -Reach 1k followers on Instagram -Post more pictures of the kids and I Education -Read at least 1 book every two month -Study for, write and pass my GED tests in August -Finalize my education plan for when I finish my GED Well-being -Cook more healt...

Small Blogger Tag

1- What inspired you to start blogging? I wanted to start one ever since I got pregnant with my daughter. Many people thought that  should share my story. I love writing, I always have. I considered making YouTube videos, I would still like to however I am a very self conscious person and I am not comfortable enough yet for talking to a camera. 2- How long have you had your blog, and have you had other blogs? I started my blog shortly after finding out I was pregnant with Logan (November 2014). I only posted twice then I started back up again in August 2015. This is the only blog that I have and probably only ever will have. 3- Where do you see yourself (and your blog) in 5 years? I am sure I will get into this in more detail in the near future but in short- I see myself living in a home that I plan to buy in the next couple years with my three beautiful children. I plan to be finished with college with a diploma in something business related. I still hope to be blog...

Happy New Year

This new year's eve I didn't do much, nothing special. I hung out with my brother and watched Gilmore Girls until midnight when my friend from down the street came to my house to set off some great fireworks for everyone that was over celebrating with my parents. The kids loved it, especially Logan. I wasn't planning on waking them up for midnight but after the first couple fireworks were set off they were both wide awake. I am pretty happy about being done with 2016, I'm so ready for 2017. There are so many things that I am looking forward to this year. I'm sure I said this about 2016 also but after reading my goals for 2016 and realizing that I didn't finish a single one I am ready to get down to business with all my goals and making my life into what I want it to be. I am so excited for what the next few years has in store for my little family and I am excited to take the necessary steps to get me there. I hope everyone had a great time ringing in...