Birthday Self-Reflection
I found these 21 great self
reflection questions on
I though it would be quite fitting to answer these questions myself considering
in a week and a half I will be turning 21! Make sure you check out the links
back to Lauren’s self reflection. Alright, here we go:
21 questions to ask yourself before
your next birthday
- Was I passionate about my career, my relationships, and my life in the last year? Not near enough.
- Did I nurture my passions this year? If yes – how? If not – why not? And what can I do differently this year? No, my first thought was ‘what passions?’ I have lost myself the last couple of years. I owe it too my self this year to not only focus on my children, but myself as well.
- What were my top 3 goals for last
year and did I accomplish them? If not – why? Pass my classes, move out and
get back into shape, 2 out of 3 accomplished.
- What are my top 3 goals for the coming year? Self-care, license and honor roll.
- How much did I laugh this past year? Can I laugh more this year? How? What am I going to do to make sure I do? Plenty, I am content with the fun and happiness I was blessed with this last year of my life. Of course there can always be more though.
- Am I happy with my life right now? If not – what do I want to change and how should I begin to change it? So many good things get cancelled out by the negative. I would like to say I am happy, but I’m more neutral.
- What habits – if any – held me back from achieving what I wanted last year (i.e. getting defensive, speaking too quickly, putting myself down)? Procrastination for sure.
- If I had all the money in the world, and no limitations whatsoever, would I be doing what I’m doing with my life right now? I would still need an education so that wouldn’t change, other then that travelling with the kids and giving my backyard a makeover.
- What am I grateful for this last
year? So many things, mostly I think the opportunity to have fun with friends.
- Is there anything in my life I want to change right now? Reconnect with some old friends and make a habit of lane swimming.
- What are my most memorable moments of the last year? Why? How can I create more of those moments? Finger Eleven concert, first home, weekends at the cottage. Plan more fun things with the kids and friends.
- Did I try something new in the last year? Crocheting and stepping outside of my comfort zone.
- What life lessons did I learn this year? Not to waste time and effort on those who would never return the favor.
- What am I most afraid of? The
unknown; more specifically, death.
- If I were my closest friend, what
wish would I wish for myself for this coming year? I would wish myself happiness.
- What was my greatest learning of this last year? Self-confidence.
- What was my greatest achievement
of this last year? Moving into my first home with my little family.
- What is the biggest risk I took this year? Am I glad I did it? I kind of want to do a whole post on this question, to say the least I don’t have any regrets about it.
- If somebody Googled my name today, what would come up? If I could change that for next year, what would it say instead? Nothing comes up besides an old 4-H newspaper article. If I could change that for next year, first search page would be my blogs.
- How do I define success and did I achieve that this year? Setting goals and accomplishing them. I accomplished a few of the goals that I set but not near as many as I had hoped to.
- 21. How old would I be if I
didn’t know how old I was? Probably like 32.
Credits to, click here to see where these questions came from.
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