Welcome July, Happy Canada Day!

Usually we spend our Canada Day weekend at my family’s cottage, this year unfortunately we did not. Chloe spent the day with her father, and then spent the night with her Nonnie (her father’s mother). Lucas colored with me for a good part of the morning and then went to my mom’s house for supper and then spent the night with her. Logan is currently sick and has been all weekend, its just been me and him so that Chloe and Lucas don’t get sick.

It was a rainy weekend where we live so we didn’t miss out on much besides the Canada Day parade, the fireworks were postponed due to clouds. Logan rested most of the day, I did tons of laundry and then had a super long nap in the afternoon. We’ve been working on organizing the entire house, starting with all of our laundry. Next is Chloe’s room, I have so many ideas for her room. The walls desperately need painted, I have already started on the closet doors.


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