Chloe's Little Pumpkin

This Halloween will be Chloe's third one, her very first Halloween she was only a month old. I carved her a little pumpkin with a C. A lot was going on around this time last year, so we did carve a pumpkin but I don't believe Chloe got a picture with it. This year Chloe and I carved a pumpkin together. Her first time actually getting to help me. At first she was having a lot of fun, she was excited..until I got the top off. Apparently she takes after my brother and was totally grossed out by the inside of the pumpkin. she refused to touch it, or go near it for that matter! 

In the end we decided on a pretty standard pumpkin face. We still have Logan's pumpkin to carve and that will be the first so far, it's still possible that she will come around to actually touching the inside. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't though, most of my family won't carve pumpkins because they refuse to touch the guts inside the pumpkin haha. That's like my favorite part! You have to go through it to get all the seeds out, I love cooking up the seeds, so delicious. Lucky for me the two pumpkins we have carved so far have had a great amount of seeds in them. 

Here's Chloe helping mommy with the pumpkin. You can see in the expression on her face that she was not touching that pumpkin on the inside! And out finished results of out carved pumpkin, I'd say it turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. Chloe sure liked it and that's the main thing! 


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