16 Goals For 2016
1. Get enough credits to graduate June 2017.
2. Have high enough marks to get into university the universities that I will be applying to.
3. Stop Procrastinating
4. Keep my room clean, especially once I am in my new room.
5. Finish renovations on my new room, Chloe's room and Logan's room.
6. Get more organized.
7. Get to my goal weight then start toning up.
8. Start eating better.
9. Work on managing my anxiety.
Social Media
10. Start making YouTube videos.
11. Create more of a schedule for my blog posts.
12. Get to 1k Instagram followers.
13. Finish the proposal for the book I really want to write.
14. Start horseback riding again.
15. Continue saving as much money as I can.
16. Read a book for fun, that isn't for school.
Im really looking forward to hopefully completing all of these goals! This year will be a great year for me I just know it. I wish everyone a great year also. What are some of your goals for 2016? I'd love to hear them, comment below :D If you want to hear more about any of my goals for 2016 let me know, I'd love to tell y'all more about any of them!
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