Top 10 Pregnancy Movies
10. Waitress (2007)
This movie was pretty good, it is about a women who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant and deals with low income an abusive relationship all while pregnant, it wasn't my favorite but I would definitely watch it again!
9. Saved! (2004)
This one is about a teenage girl that attends a catholic high school gets pregnant by mistake and her struggles through teen pregnancy, I've seen it so many times it just never gets old in my opinion.
8. Unexpected (2015)
This is another involving teen pregnancy, a pregnant student and teacher who is also expecting become friends. This one is good but seemed short like it was missing something.
7. Labor Pains (2009)
I bought this movie shortly after it came out, I have seen it so many times! A woman pretends to be pregnant so she won't get fired from her job, she keeps up the act for quite awhile until her cover is blown and a lot of people are unhappy with her.
6. Juno (2007)
I think almost everyone has seen this movie, it's another teen pregnancy movie. What is different about this one though is that adoption is what the young girl decides to go with, which is what makes this movie so unique compared to the rest on this list.
5. The Pregnancy Pact (2010)
Pregnancy Pact is a documentary about a small high school that had a lot of young girls that were pregnant. These teen girls in this movie weren't pregnant by accident though, some of them got pregnant on purpose.
4. Baby Mama (2008)
This movie is about surrogacy, which I think is really cool! It's a great movie, and really funny too, I definitely recommend this one to everyone!
3. The Back-Up Plan (2010)
It has been a really long time since I have seen this movie, I actually saw it in theatres when it came out. I have always really liked it, it's about a girl who uses IVF to become pregnant because she didn't want to wait for a man to have a baby, right after the procedure she meets a guy!
2. Knocked Up (2007)
This movie is on tv so often, I've seen it atleast 20 times. Two people meet at a bar, get drunk, have sex, she gets pregnant and now they have to figure out this journey together when they only just met.
1. What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
And finally, my favorite of all time! In this movie you follow multiple women through their journey to parenthood, each story connects to each other in some way (I love movies like that)! If you are pregnant or wanting to get pregnant or just had a this movie, really anyone and everyone watch it! It's great!
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