Let's Talk About High School..
The very first day of high school I was 9 months pregnant. Most of the kids I had gone to school with for years didn't know that I was pregnant or had heard rumours but weren't sure. So there I was, walking into a new school, a big ole belly on me..I was terrified. At the time I didn't know any other girl that had had a baby in high school or was pregnant so I was expecting stares. Fortunately it wasn't as bad as I thought, I only had two classes (normally I would have had four). My teachers seemed pretty okay with it, and no one really was rude like I was expecting.
After two weeks of not missing a single day of class and getting all my work done, I was sitting in my mi'kmaq class watching a movie and I started to feel some pains. Remember, I was 38 weeks pregnant so I got a little nervous. I sat there for awhile until finally I got up to talk to the teacher. He was pretty panicked and called the vice principal to walk me to the nurses office. The nurse wouldn't let me leave until the end of the day. It turned out to be nothing more then Braxton hicks. So I took the next day off and continued going to school.
Nearing the end of my pregnancy I was getting very tired and really ready to be done being pregnant. When I was 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant I had my membranes swept and really hoping that it would put me into labor. Nothing happened, but I really wanted to get things moving, I considered a c-section but on Thursday night; the night before my due date I decided that I would just let hit happen when it happened. Early the next morning I want into labor and had my daughter that day, right on her due date!
The school would only allow me two weeks off then I had to go back. I took 2 weeks plus one day haha and I went back, fortunately enough that was the first night Chloe slept through the night as well. When I went back my English teacher told me I had missed too much and there was no way I would be able to catch up. After two weeks, after he told me and my father it would be no problem, just like that I was down to one class that semester. My mi'kmaq teacher was much more understanding, he helped me catch up and get back on track. I finished out the semester and passed the class.
Second semester started the very beginning of February 2014. This was eventful semester I was about to begin. I had a full semester of Gym, Biology, Science and Child Studies. I barely knew anyon in my classes which wasn't a big deal, there was one girl in my science class that I had become friends with during first semester. Her and I also ended up in the same Gym class together. I hated all my classes and child Studies I dropped out of because it was silly in my opinion.
Gym was the one exception, I never missed a single class, it was the highlight of high school for me so far. In that class I met lots of people that I will never forget, including one extra special person; but that's part of a different story haha. During that semester I met a lot of new people, I finally found a group that I fit in with. I got into the habit of skipping class unfortunately, and long story short, I only got two credits that semester.
Fast forward through the summer because that's a totally different story. Last year, first semester I took four classes as well. English, Math, Biology (next level up) and Drama. Around November my mom found out that she had a brain tumor(11 years before that was when she first found out she had cancer). With all her doctors appointment I ended up missing quite a few days of school, I still got all my work done though. I got kicked out of English and Math first.
A few weeks before the end of the semester I had a meeting in the office about my other classes. I had quite high marks in my two classes that I had left so I wasn't worried about them. I explain my situation, then basically said that it sucks to me be and that they couldn't help me out. I wasn't kicked out but I was told if I missed one more day I would be. And that the next semester if I couldn't guarantee that I wouldn't miss any time then I shouldn't bother coming back. With knowing that my mom would be having lots of appointments and so would I because I was pregnant I didn't go back and I lost all my credits last year.
This fall I went back, I wasn't sure at first if I would but I decided to just get it done. When I went in to sign up for my classes I had a plan in my head that between classes in the school and the correspondence courses that I had been taking I could still graduate when I would have originally. The classes I needed were all full so I ended up taking Art. If I could have gotten the classes that I needed I would have been able to graduate but instead I now have to take an extra year. Which isn't that big of a deal it was just frustrating that the school was not the least bit flexible.
When I finally do get to graduate, hopefully June of 2017 I plan on going to school to become a nurse. I am still not 100% sure but more then likely I will be.
How was your high school experience? If you are a teen mom as well, did you find that your school made it difficult for you to graduate? If you have any study tips or tip to stop procrastinating drop them below! I could really use some tip right now! :D
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