
Showing posts from November, 2016

November 2016 Q&A

I planned for this post to be done as a video so there are only 10 questions below. I actually filmed the video, then when I watched it back it was horrible angle and horrible lighting so I deleted it and decided to just type it up. So here it is, I got some pretty good questions. Mostly from but a couple of them are from Instagram. I hope answered all these how you were hoping, if you have anymore questions remember to ask me or comment so I can include them next time. Hopefully in a video! -When are you going to tell us your news? Soon I promise! Probably Tuesday but for sure it should be some time this week. I can't wait to tell you all! -Are you with the father? Chloe and Logan have different fathers, Chloe’s father and I broke up when I was pregnant with her. I am still with Logan’s father we have been together almost 2 and a half years. -Do you have Kik? (@mishatrip) Yes, however I don’t give it out much now because I don’t check it much due to some ...

Boyfriend Tag

I thought I would do this tag because it's been a few days since I posted and you know I love doing tags! Below are 28 questions because my Babe and I have been together for 28 months so far. I tag everyone to do this post because it's great, though I wish now that I had done it as a YouTube video instead but it's okay, I'll film it when I ask my Boyfriend all, these same questions. When/where did we meet? In high school, I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 11. We never really officially met until  the beginning of summer 2014. Our talking started over Facebook, neither of us made the connection with being in the same friend group in high school right away. He was working on the other side of the country when we started talking, the first day after he got back we made our relationship official, which was only a few weeks later. When did we meet each other’s parents? He met my parents the first time we hung out just the two of us, and I met his parents about a ...

Invade My Privacy Tag

Do you wake up cranky? Not usually, if I didn’t get much sleep then I’m woken up before I need to be up or woken up to work early in the morning sometimes I can be cranky. Would you date an 18 year old at your current age? Well I am currently 18 myself so I guess I would. Only two reasons I wouldn’t: 1. I am currently taken so i'm not worried about that and 2. I have always dated older boys even if it was only by a year, don’t ask me why I am not quite sure. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Honestly I don’t really have any friends but usually I prefer boys. No offense to anyone but in my experience I find that there is less drama and I just get along with boys better. Would you ever smile at a stranger? Probably not, maybe if they smiled at me first or if I was single and it was a cute boy. Can you commit to one person? Absolutely, I am in a committed relationship at the moment, currently almost 2 and a half years. How do you look r...

Rant: I Hate My Job!

Correction, I love what I do! It’s the people I work with and the person I work for that I can not stand. I started my job as a swimming instructor about 3 weeks after Chloe was born. Though my mom worked at the same pool ever since I was little and I used to swim competitively, so I basically grew up at this place. I mostly did just group lessons until the new year (2014) when I pretty much doubled my hours. I worked every day but Friday. I loved teaching so much and all my lessons loved me. Privates are my favorite because a lot of them I either taught until they finished or I am still teaching them now. I had a lot of little issues with certain people but nothing big until October 2014, which is when I found out I was expecting Logan. I had only told a few people, one of which someone who used to be on the swim team with me. I thought I could trust her but apparently not. She told her ex-boyfriend who told the whole team. One of the parents of those people works at the pool tha...

Story Time: Chloe's Birth

-There's a picture of my beautiful first born <3 - Chloe's Birth Story At exactly 2 am on my due date (September 27th 2013) I woke up from my sleep in extreme discomfort. I could not get comfortable in my bed no matter what I tried, I kept tossing and turning. I had a shower and tried walked around but bouncing on my yoga ball was the only thing that could distract me a little. When I was doing that I started timing my contractions, they were about 2-3 minutes apart lasting 40-70 seconds each. I timed them for about two hours or so. At this point the contractions were being more uncomfortable but not painful yet. My mom told me that we should go to the hospital so even though I didn't want to quite yet. She got up and had a shower, I continued on my yoga ball and timing my contractions. I didn’t take all my stuff the the hospital just my pillow and blanket and I left those in the car when I got to the hospital because I was convinced I was just going to be ...

Unusual Asks

Hi again! I thought I would do another question post like this while I get ready for a story post either tomorrow or the next day. This is kind of a Tag post as well like the Tattoo Tag, so feel free to take the questions and use them on your blog or social media. I didn`t make them up myself just so you know. Remember to Tag me or post it below so I can read them :) Unusual Asks What did you want to be when you were a kid? A mother, as a job though I think I wanted to be a Teacher but I'm not 100% sure. Which 'Friends' character do you relate to the most? Probably half way between Monica and Rachel. Do you like your name? Why? I didn't always, I do now but I still prefer Maddie. I'm not sure why I didn't like it before. Are you a messy or a clean person? My room is quite messy, but I'm good at keeping everything else clean. I just hate cleaning my room for some reason. How tall are you? About 5'5" How tall where you when you wer...

Tattoo Tag ..again!

These meanings and reasons behind my tattoos probably aren't written all that well, I apologize, this is the first time I have really had to put my reasons into words on paper rather then just thinking about it or rambling about it. I hope you enjoy my tag! Hearts on my wrist: This one doesn't really have much of a meaning, it was my first tattoo, and now probably my least favorite. I still like it, it just never turned out how I originally wanted and it was done so horribly in the first place. I had to get it redone when I got my foot tattoo. Thistle on my foot: My mom's side of the family is almost 100% Scottish, the thistle is a Scottish thistle. The word above it is "Confido" which means "I trust" in Latin. Confido is the word on my mom's family's Crest. The other significance of the thistle is that they can grow just about anywhere, even sprout up through rocks, and can survive harsh conditions, basically can take what ever they are ...