Unusual Asks

Hi again! I thought I would do another question post like this while I get ready for a story post either tomorrow or the next day. This is kind of a Tag post as well like the Tattoo Tag, so feel free to take the questions and use them on your blog or social media. I didn`t make them up myself just so you know. Remember to Tag me or post it below so I can read them :)

Unusual Asks

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A mother, as a job though I think I wanted to be a Teacher but I'm not 100% sure.

Which 'Friends' character do you relate to the most?
Probably half way between Monica and Rachel.

Do you like your name? Why?
I didn't always, I do now but I still prefer Maddie. I'm not sure why I didn't like it before.

Are you a messy or a clean person?
My room is quite messy, but I'm good at keeping everything else clean. I just hate cleaning my room for some reason.

How tall are you?
About 5'5"

How tall where you when you were ten?
I honestly have no idea, just under 5 feet maybe?

What is your guilty pleasure?

What are you saving money for right now?
So I don't give away the answer for my big news survey..I'll say hopefully a Disney World trip next fall.

How many pringles can you eat at once?
Two I guess, I usually eat them one at a time. I've never tried to eat as many as I can at once.

Tea or coffee?
Personally I'm not big on hot beverages but Tea I guess. Mostly only drank it when I was pregnant both times.

Are you an extrovert or introvert?
Introvert probably, depends on the situation really.

What was your Halloween costume this year?
I wore a Wonder Woman shirt that had a cape attached.

Sweet or salty?
Lately I'm been more into sweets. Ice cream, Popsicles, candy, etc 24/7

Favorite social media?
Instagram definitely but I probably use Facebook more often

Who is the last person you kissed?
My kids this afternoon when they got up from their nap.

What is your favorite breakfast?
Chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and orange juice. Oh and eggs too, and sausage.

When is your birthday?
August 10th!

When did you start your blog?
Technically November 2014 but I only posted twice then started back to it around July 2015.

What is your opinion on the kardashians?
I don't have much of an opinion to be honest, I have never seen the TV show before and I don't really follow their lives at all.

How would you describe your style?

What is your hair color?
Currently really dark brown.

What color socks are you wearing?
None, I don't really like socks very much until it starts to snow.

What is your dream job?
Lawyer but I don't plan on becoming one I'm going to be an Accountant or Stock Broker.

Dogs or cats?
I love dogs but I have always been more of a cat person. If I have a nice dog that would probably change.

What makes you weird?
Probably a lot of things, I can`t think of any specific thing.

Celebrity crush?
Matthew McConaughey with out a doubt!

Opinions on cigarettes?
Its bad for you, I hate smoke being blown in my face. I've tired it before, I'm not gonna say I didn't like it but I don't imagine I ever will again and that was over two years ago

Do you want children? How many?
I always knew that I wanted kids, a few of them at least. I have two already, I`m just Ill get pregnant at least two most times before I`m 35, maybe I`ll have more then that who knows!

3 favorite boy names?
Logan, Jaden and Noah. 
Logan was almost Jaden but I decided against it and I don`t plan on using it or Noah ever. I just like the names

3 favorite girl names?
Chloe, Charlotte and Addison. 
I always loved Charlotte but I don`t like the name Charlie for a girl and Addison is too close to Madison so I`ll never use either, I just like them.

Hope you enjoyed this post, thanks for reading! Check back soon for my next story post, I love writing them and from the feed back I get you like them too! I`m glad. Until next time, have a good week everyone. :D


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