Tattoo Tag ..again!

These meanings and reasons behind my tattoos probably aren't written all that well, I apologize, this is the first time I have really had to put my reasons into words on paper rather then just thinking about it or rambling about it. I hope you enjoy my tag!

Hearts on my wrist: This one doesn't really have much of a meaning, it was my first tattoo, and now probably my least favorite. I still like it, it just never turned out how I originally wanted and it was done so horribly in the first place. I had to get it redone when I got my foot tattoo.

Thistle on my foot: My mom's side of the family is almost 100% Scottish, the thistle is a Scottish thistle. The word above it is "Confido" which means "I trust" in Latin. Confido is the word on my mom's family's Crest. The other significance of the thistle is that they can grow just about anywhere, even sprout up through rocks, and can survive harsh conditions, basically can take what ever they are put through. That meaning really runs deep with me.

Lion on my thigh: My birthday is in August, my zodiac sign is the Leo aka the lion. The flower for my zodiac sign is the sunflower, which is also my absolute favorite flower. Poppies are the other flowers in my tattoo, the poppy is one of the flowers for the month of August. The flowers and the lion have many meaning that I have heard and loved. The main reason behind this tattoo was that all the elements are all associated with my birth month and I am really into all the zodiac stuff so I thought it would suit me well.

Quote on my arm: I am a strong believer in what ever is gonna happen will happen and the big thing is all out of our control, I have always really liked this quote so I decided why not. I'm telling you, its addiction. I love seeing my tattoos everyday, especially this quote, it just reminds me that some things are out of my control and not to freak out so much about the future and just let whatever is coming to come.

Writing on my ribs: Ever since the first time I heard the song "Mine would be you" by Blake Shelton I just loved it so much, all the lyrics are so great. It was the first tattoo I ever really wanted. I'm so glad I finally got it, it would have been my first but i was nervous about how bad my ribs would hurt.

Tattoo Tag

How many tattoos do you have?
As of a few days ago I now have five tattoos!

What's your favorite tattoo that you have?
I'd definitely have to say the thistle on my foot. I just love it so much, it was so well done.

How old were you when you got your first tattoo?
I was 17 when I got my first tattoo, it was in may so only a few months away from my 18th birthday.

What do your parents think of your tattoos?
My mom is okay with them I guess, she likes how they look but she would rather me not get too many. My dad only knows about the one on my foot, he hates tattoos so I never bothered to tell him.

What does your significant other think of your tattoos, do they have a favorite?
He likes them, his favorite is the lion on my thigh. He likes them all though.

Did you always know that you wanted tattoos when your were younger?
I kinda went back and forth for awhile, I always knew that I liked them but wasn't always sure that I would actually get one. I am glad I decided to start, now I cant stop!

Do you plan of getting more tattoos in the future?
Absolutely, it is addictive for sure. I am already planning a bunch more, not sure I will get them all for sure but you never know! I'm going to take a little break but maybe in the summer I will get another.

Which tattoo was the most painful?
That's a hard question, I'm gonna have to go with my thigh. The pain from my ribs and foot were worse but they were quick so it was easy to handle. My thigh took so long that the pain just got unbearable near the end. Way worse then my foot and ribs combined, however if they took just as long as my thigh then it would have been just as bad if not worse.

Do you regret any of your tattoos?
No, but if I could go back in time I might change the hearts on my wrist a bit, and by that i mean not getting it at the worst shop in my town. I have already had to get it redone. I'm considering getting it covered with something else but I'm not 100% sure on that yet.

Which tattoo was the least painful?
Probably the hearts on my wrist, it wasn't bad at all, there were only a couple spots that pinched a bit. Plus it was the quickest one that I have.

I tag everyone who has a tattoo to do this tag! Tag me in it or post it below so I can see it :) I hope you liked my post, I am going to try and stay more on top of posting this time. I love sharing stories with you guys and getting all kinds of feed back. Remember to comment below and let me know if there are any tags or posts you would like to see me do or questions you would like to know the answers to!  Thanks for reading, until next time :D


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