November 2016 Q&A
I planned for this post to be done as a video so there are only 10 questions below. I actually filmed the video, then when I watched it back it was horrible angle and horrible lighting so I deleted it and decided to just type it up. So here it is, I got some pretty good questions. Mostly from but a couple of them are from Instagram. I hope answered all these how you were hoping, if you have anymore questions remember to ask me or comment so I can include them next time. Hopefully in a video!
-When are you going to tell us your news?
Soon I promise! Probably Tuesday but for sure it should be some time this week. I can't wait to tell you all!
-Are you with the father?
Chloe and Logan have different fathers, Chloe’s father and I broke up when I was pregnant with her. I am still with Logan’s father we have been together almost 2 and a half years.
-Do you have Kik? (@mishatrip)
Yes, however I don’t give it out much now because I don’t check it much due to some pretty creepy people. Plus you are more likely to get ahold of me through comments or DMs on Instagram. My username is on the contact me page on my blog if you want it I check it once in awhile.
-Have you quit your job yet?
Actually yes! I did three weeks ago, last Wednesday was my last shift and now I am officially done. I may consider going back but there will have to be some big changes first.
-How has things changed since having 2 kids so young? (@thegirlwiththecoloredhair)
Honestly because I got pregnant with my first so young I don’t really know what I missed or what would have been different if I hadn’t of gotten pregnant and became a mom. I don’t look at anything changed for the worst, I love being a mom and I would change it at all. Sure I grew up a lot quicker then other people my age, ever compared to some other moms that I have met. I felt that either way I would have matured fast. I’m happy to be at this point in my life that I am a mom and in a serious relationship, I am glad I got to start this stage of life early.
-If your kids were the opposite gender, what would their names have been?(@the girlwiththecoloredhair)
Chloe probably would have been Noah or Cole. With Logan I hadn’t really thought of names until after I found out he was a boy, I probably would have named him Elena if he had of been a girl.
-Are you single?
I answered this above, but no I am not single. I have been in a relationship for 2.5 years and still going strong.
-Are you going to do more youtube videos?
Well like I said above, this Q&A was supposed to be a video. I actually filmed it but it turned out horrible so I deleted it. Yes though, I do plan to do videos, hopefully soon. I have really wanted to do YouTube videos since before I started this blog, its so hard to get the chance to sit down and film a video. Plus, I am super camera shy!
-Do you live with your parents currently?
Unfortunately yes I still do, I would prefer not to but at the same time I have enough space for the kids and I. Plus, it’s easier to save the money this way. I definitely wish I lived on my own all the time, I have been close to moving out a few times. Then I remember all the money I can save and I decide to stay put.
-Do your kids get along well with each other?
Most of the time, but they do fight sometimes. Logan can be pretty rough and Chloe doesn’t really like to share, other than that though they get along like 80% of the time.
Thank you for reading my post, so thankful for all my followers, I love to write and all the feed back I get is so encouraging to keep doing what I'm doing. I hope you enjoyed this post, remember to check back this week for the announcement of my big news! Buy for now :)
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