Story Time: Chloe's Birth

-There's a picture of my beautiful first born <3 -

Chloe's Birth Story

At exactly 2 am on my due date (September 27th 2013) I woke up from my sleep in extreme discomfort. I could not get comfortable in my bed no matter what I tried, I kept tossing and turning. I had a shower and tried walked around but bouncing on my yoga ball was the only thing that could distract me a little. When I was doing that I started timing my contractions, they were about 2-3 minutes apart lasting 40-70 seconds each. I timed them for about two hours or so. At this point the contractions were being more uncomfortable but not painful yet.

My mom told me that we should go to the hospital so even though I didn't want to quite yet. She got up and had a shower, I continued on my yoga ball and timing my contractions. I didn’t take all my stuff the the hospital just my pillow and blanket and I left those in the car when I got to the hospital because I was convinced I was just going to be sent home. The drive there seemed long and the contractions continued. When I got there I had to walk up a bunch of stairs and sit and wait for an exam room to be available. In that time I was distracted and not feeling the contractions as much, so I got nervous that I wouldn't be admitted. This was about the 3rd or 4th trip into the hospital, all the other times it was nothing.

When I got there at 5 am they put me on monitors in an exam room and got me ice chips because I found it really warm in the room. I was still contracting but not feeling any pain yet.
They kept monitoring me until a little after 7am and that's when I finally got checked. A few days earlier when I had my membranes swept I was 3cm dilated then. I honestly didn’t think there would be any change but I was 4 cm dilated and still contracting regularly, so I got admitted.

It took another hour for the nurses to get an IV in, it took 10 tries and it still never worked. You should have seen the bruises that I had on my hands and arms. Once they finally got it in and did my bloodwork, I was taken to my room and they monitored Chloe’s heart beat and my contractions for another 15  minutes or so while we waited for the doctor to get there. The nurses commented on how well I was handing contractions by sitting on the bed and swaying back and forth. At around 10 am the doctor finally got there and checked me, he said I was now 5 cm dilated so he decided to just break my water. Roughly 15 minutes after my water had been broken I started to feel pain in my back really badly. I was given a shot of Morphine but I didn’t find that it helped at all. The pain felt like a pinched nerve or muscle or something every time I got a contraction, it was horrible. My nurse and my mom had to take turns rubbing my back to help ease the pain.

At 10:55am my nurse checked me again and I was 6 cm dilated.After laying there for a little bit longer I started to feel a lot of pressure down there. The nurse said it was probably nothing and checked me while I was on my side and she said that I was still at 6cm. The pressure got so much worse right after that and I kept telling her so she finally checked me again at 11:10am. I was dilated to 9cm and about ready to push. Shortly after I started pushing the doctor arrived. At this point I hadn’t told anyone I was in labor because I had been so convinced that I would be sent home. Then after that I was a bit occupied haha. While I was pushing I texted my friends “It’s Baby Time!!” I pushed for 15 minutes in total and there she was!

After she was born they put her up on my chest quickly while my mom cut the umbilical cord, then the nurse took her to be weighed and checked. While they did that my Doctor delivered the placenta, I got my mom to take a picture of it so I could see afterwards. My Doctor stitched me up and after he was done they brought her back to me all wrapped up and ready for snuggles.

Thank you for reading Chloe's birth story, I sharing stories with everyone. I hope you enjoy them too! I have been wanting to share this for awhile I just wanted to make sure that I didn't leave anything out, but I think I got it all. Share your birth stories below or on Instagram, I would love to hear them :D Until next time, I hope everyone is having a great week.

--I sure hope no one will but it has happened once in the past and many times to other people so I have to say this, the picture above of my daughter is mine don't steal it please--


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