Dentist Trip

Today was Chloe's very first trip to the dentist! She was super good, she said "ahhhh" of the dentist and everything. I figured she was going to scream or cry but she let the dentist count all her teeth and brush them a little. Next dentist trip in six months.
-Chloe waiting to see the dentist

Chloe did so well today that I decided I would do a little something for her. I see all kinds of tooth fairy things on Pinterest about losing teeth but this was only her first dentist trip so I made up a little gift from the tooth fairy.

Book about the dentist- I swore I still had this book from when I was little but I couldn't find it anywhere so while I was at the book store I picked a new one up, there were a few dentist books but I decided on this one. I really liked The Berenstain Bears when I was little, plus the books are pretty cheap!
New tooth brush- it's a bubble guppies one, One of Chloe's favorite shows! I wouldn't have gotten her a new one but it was $2 and she will be so excited that it has bubble guppies on it. I also added I little cover for over the brush part, I already had a pack of these at home. 
Tooth paste- when I saw this tooth paste I thought it was really cool, it came with stickers to decorate it. I put Chloe's name on it in stickers and left the rest so she can have fun with it tomorrow. The tooth paste brand is Orajel (so is the tooth brush) and it's safe to swallow for little kids. 
Not shown in picture- I decided to add floss and a couple coloring pages after I had taken this picture, Chloe loves to color!
Note- this is the little note from the tooth fairy the I came up with. I thought it was cute, she won't really know what it means so it's a little more for myself then her. Haha 

Chloe's little gift from the tooth fairy will be waiting in her room for her for when she wakes up in the morning. I think she will love it, she loves brushing her teeth so I'm sure she will! :) 


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