Pregnancy Announcement #1 (Chloe)

 When I was 14, (in grade 9!) I found out I was expecting my first child. I took a test when I was a week late for my period because my cycle had always been extremely regular, so I just had a feeling. My boyfriend at the time a.k.a. Chloe's father got me a pregnancy test. When I took it the next morning (January 14th) nothing showed up, and by nothing I mean not even the control line! So I took it as a negative, put it in the back of my mind until a month later. 

It was the day after Valentine's Day, my period was late yet again so I took another test and it was positive. I knew in the back of my mind that's what the results were going to be, I had a feeling I was pregnant. I didn't want to believe it was true, I was in denial that it was all happening. On February 28th I tested again for a third time and it was positive in seconds, that's really when it hit me.  I just broke down, still i refused to let it really sink in. 

I continued to go about my life like there was nothing going on with me, or at least I tried. I never had morning sickness but I was getting sick really bad and I had zero appetite. Exentually my mom made me an appointment with my doctor to find out what was wrong. I went to the appointment alone so I decided I was going to tell my doctor. March 15th was the day I told my doctor, I was exactly 12 weeks pregnant. She made me an appointment for an ultrasound the next week, so when I got home I had to tell my mom. 

My mom was sick with the flu so when I got home I laid down in her bed and told her I needed to tell her something. She was resting but I said it was really important and that she was going to hate me. I started to cry and she just knew what it was. That was probably one of the hardest days of my life. But it was also a relief to have told someone. 

The next week was my ultrasound, when I went to it the technician wouldn't show me anything, but when I was leaving I caught a glimpse of the screen. That day when I got home, my mom told my father. Over the next couple of weeks it was really stressful trying to make a final decision on what I was going to choose to do. In the back of my head though I knew all along what I wanted to do and what was to go through with the pregnancy. Which is exactly what I did! 

I never really announced the pregnancy on facebook or to my friends, they all just found out over time. I took a little time off school for a month and when I went back it was May and I had started to show. Even though it was fairly obvious, no one spoke about it. I only talked about it with a couple close friends. My mom was the one who told most of my family, along with my dad. I was very fortunate to have a lot of support even though everyone was disappointed. My nan took it the hardest, she didn't speak to me from the time she found out to the day I had Chloe. 

The only place I really made an "announcement" was on Instagram. I think I was about 11 or 12 weeks when I posted it ,I don't really remember.  Here is the post below.

It has been an extremely hard journey but definitely worth it, I wouldn't change a thing about my life. I don't recommend starting a family on purpose at a young age that's for sure but it does happen unintentionally, just remember if you are experiencing that situation that you can get through it and be okay with whatever decision you make, don't let anyone make it for you. Which ever option you choose is the right one for you and no one should tell you any different! Good luck to anyone going through this, I have Instagram, my username is in a previous post. Feel free to DM me if your looking for some to talk to that you can relate too. :) 


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