Hospital Bag Essentials

 Here's a list of everything I took to the hospital when I had Logan, for the most part it's the same as what I took with Chloe. There are only a few differences, plus I too too much for Chloe to the hospital and ended up not needing most. 

Diaper Bag

•Diapers -I read to take 2-3 dozen where the hospital doesn't supply them, I took 2 dozen.
•Wipes -I just took a regular size pack of wipes, again the hospital didn't supply these so I had to bring my own.
•Warm Blanket -I believe i took two, one was a little heavier then the recieving blankets for in the hospital, then I also took a fluffy blanket for going home. To put over him in the car seat.
•2 Recieving Blankets -I think I may have ended up only taking one, I can't remember. I did get one from the hospital as well.
•Swaddling Blanket -I took one of those muslin blankets, which I love! I used this lots.
•2-3 Sleepers -I took 3 sleepers, one of which ended up being the coming home outfit.
•Hat -Only took one because the hospital give the new babies one. It ended up being too big so I used the one I brought.
•2 Wash Cloths -Used one for myself to wash my face and used one for the bath
•Soother -Logan didn't use one in the hospital but Chloe did.
•Car seat -Obviously essential to leave the hospital!

My Hospital Bag

•Health Card
•Nursing Bras -I wore one there and I brought a sports bra time one for nursing, it was very convenient! 
•Breast Pads -I took three pairs of disposable and one pair of reusable and I only used the reusable ones.
•Maternity Panties - I took two pairs, only wore one when I was going home.  
•Going Home Outfit - For my going home clothes I took a pair of pyjama pants and a nursing top.
•Flip Flops -I didn't do much walking around, except I did use these when I showered.
•Camera -To take pictures of course and there was definitely a lot of that!
•Chargers - These weren't necessary but also not unnecessary, I charged my phone ones that's it, and it wouldn't have been a big deal if I hadn't of been able to, the peace and quiet was nice. 
•Pillow&Blanket -Those hospital beds and sheets are so uncomfortable, I brought my pillow and blanket to help get a little more comfortable.
•Pads -I knew the hospital would supply these for me but I brought about 10 I think, just incase. I took large over night ones with wings and then normal super ones.
•Straw Cup -I knew I'd be eating lots of ice during my stay so I made sure to remember to bring a cup.
•IPod&Phone -I only used my phone to talk to my parents and brother and I used my iPod to take pictures as well. 
•Snacks -I forgot snacks, but my mom brought me some, which was a life saver be sue usually the hospital food is good but it wasn't all that great during my stay.
•Advil -Just because I have a hard time swallowing pills so I brought my own liquid Advil, which my doctor did okay.
•Toiletres -tooth brush, tooth paste, gum, mints, shampoo, conditioner, bobby pins, brush, lip balm, deodorant, body wash, nail file.

What I Took But Didn't Use

•Scratch Mittens -So cute but I'm not big fan of scratch mittens, plus a lot of newborn sleepers have them built it.
•Burp Cloth 
•Pyjamas -I had worn pyjama pant to the hospital which I wore home, but I also took another pair and I never wore them and I had an extra nursing top that I never wore.
•Towel -Hospital towels are so small but I never remembered that I brought one until after I was in the shower so I just used the ones there.
•Nipple Cream -The hospital gave me some so I didn't bother to open the stuff I had.
•Makeup -I took make up so I would be a little more comfortable with pictures being taken nut I stayed by myself so I didn't have anyone taking my picture.

Most of my list is about what I took with Logan, that just because I don't really remember what I took with Chloe. All I remember is that I took way to much that I didn't use when I went to the hospital to have Chloe. Over all there isn't really anything that I can think of that I didn't take but wish I had of. My stay at the hospital was a little over 36 hours total. My biggest tip is to not over pack, just take everything you absolutely need and you will be fine. If there is anything else you may need you probably one be at the hospital more than a few days (I know that may not apply to everyone) and you could also get someone to go get something for you if you needed something you forgot (also I know that doesn't apply to everyone). A birth plan is something I didn't add to my list that you may want to take with you, I had one but I didn't take it with me on purpose. I hope you find my list helpful! 


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