
Showing posts from December, 2018

18 From 2018

Here is a list 18 highlights from 2018 Chloe Started Primary I Started Online Classes For Business Administration I Started Working Towards Becoming An ECE Finger Eleven Concert Lucas Turned One My Grandparent’s 60 th Anniversary We Adopted Stella Logan Turned Three Chloe Turned Five Mud Hero With My Brother My 20 th Birthday Sleepovers At The Cottage With Regan And The Kids My Dad’s 60 th Birthday We Adopted Trixie I Began Looking For A New Home For My Little Family And I Got Back Into Blogging Chloe’s First Christmas Concert Chloe’s First Dance Recital

30 Days of Blogging (Day 20)

What are your 8 most used apps on your phone? In no particular order: YouTube Snapchat Facebook Pinterest Amazon Adventure Capitalist Design Home Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

30 Days of Blogging (Day 19)

3 Books on My Bookshelf Puddin' by Julie Murphy Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige Parenting Beyond Pink & Blue by Christina Spears Brown

Christmas Prep Update

T minus 24 hours until Santa arrives. I have made a decent dent in my to-do list but there is still so much left to do before tomorrow night. Thankfully the kid’s daycare is open tomorrow for a bit, that will help me to get a few things done with out the kids here in the morning. In the morning I have to wake up early, have a shower, get the kids up, ready and to daycare. Hen I have a couple things left to pick up at the grocery store, which I am dreading because I know how busy it will be. I also need to wrap the stocking stuffers and get some of the food ready for our Christmas Eve party that we are having. I would be nice to get all of that done before picking the kids up at noon. Today I got my baking all finished, did most of the grocery shopping, and got together gifts for the kid’s daycare teachers and reindeer food for their classmates. Although a lot of the tidying still needs to get done, I did work on that today as well. After picking up the kids I have to: ...

Christmas Tag (Round 3)

1. Favorite Christmas Movie? Elf, Christmas Angel and The Nightmare Before Christmas. 2. Are you on the Naughty list or the Nice list? The nice list, although my kids have told me many times that I am on the naughty list for not letting them do whatever they like. 3. Have you ever had a White Christmas? I have had many white Christmases, I think this year will be one of them 4. Do you start your Christmas shopping on Black Friday or wait until the last minute? I try to start long before black Friday, but I do a big portion of my Christmas shopping on black Friday and cyber Monday. Always online though, I’m not a fan of going in to malls too close to the holidays, especially black Friday. Its far too busy to me, I can’t handle all the people when its super busy. 5. If you could be in any Christmas movie what would it be? Hmm that’s a hard one, any in New York probably. 6. Name all of Santa’s reindeer. “You know Dasher and Dancer and Donner and Blitzen, Comet and Cu...

30 Days of Blogging (Day 17)

Share Something That You Are Proud Of I would definitely have to say getting my GED! I am so proud of myself for getting my diploma, even with all the road blocks that I came across along the way. I do wish I could have walked across the stage, but that time will come. I will get to do that when I finish my Business Administration Diploma as well as my Early Childhood Education Diploma. I truly can’t wait. Not only did I get my GED a little over a year ago, I finished all 5 exams in less then a month, but I also got accepted right away for a January start for college. In the matter of about two months I went from only having a handful of high school credits (most of which were good for nothing) to having a diploma and enrolled in College part time. I wasted 4 years doing basically doing nothing with my education and being given the hardest time by my high school. Now in the last year I graduated and am 1/3 of the way through my Business Admin diploma.

30 Days of Blogging (Day 16)

Put Your Music On Shuffle And Share The First 10 Songs This should be interesting, I have many different genres of music on my phone, as well as a ton of kids music and old weird songs that I liked when I was 11. Drinkin’ Buddy by Gord Bamford Single Ladies by Beyonce Still Loving You by Scorpions Bad by Michael Jackson Like a G6 by Far East Movement Crocodile Rock by Elton John Minority by Green Day Home by Michael Buble Ho Hey by The Lumineers That’s All by Doc Walker

30 Days of Blogging (Day 15)

What Is The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name? I don’t believe I have answered this question before, I have thought about it before though. When I created my blog, it had some really long name that I can’t remember anymore. When I really started posting I changed the name to what it currently is. It took me a very long time to come up with a name that I liked and thought fit. In my opinion, or at least what I was trying to accomplish with the name #momlife was to capture the fact that I am a mommy but also still young. The whole hashtag thing was really big at that time I guess you could say, especially on Instagram. I used Instagram quite a bit to share photos of myself and kids, often using #momlife. At the time I thought it made sense, I really liked my name and thought it was pretty cool. I’m not sure what other thought of it. Sometimes I think of changing it, but I purchased my current domain and I do still like my blog name, so I probably won’t change it. It was hard enou...

Christmas Eve Poem

** I wrote this poem myself, feel free to share it, but if you do please credit me, thank you.**

30 Days of Blogging (Day 14)

7 Places That You Would Like To Travel To Scotland Ireland Alberta Ontario California Texas Iceland

30 Days of Blogging (Day 13)

Where Do You See Yourself In 10 Years Happy.Healthy. Successful I will definitely be finished school or at least the things that I have already started. In ten years, I would love to be a published author, I’m not sure how realistic that is, but I enjoy writing and have always wanted to write a book, or multiple books. Owning my own business is another dream of mine that I have had for some time now. I hope to still be blogging and it would be great to be known for it through social media. I would like to find my person and get married at some point in the next ten years. Also, living in our own dream home with my kids (and any kids he may have or that we have together). I would love to live a bit out of the way with a little homestead thing going on. I love animals and it would be great to have pets for us to love and the kids to grow up around.

30 Days of Blogging (Day 12)

List 15 Songs That Change Your Mood I am looking forward to coming back to this post in the near future and explaining what mood these songs put me in and why they do so. Because of You by Kelly Clarkson Mine Would Be You by Blake Shelton Little Girl by Kira Isabella Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran Paralyzer by Finger Eleven Jack’s Lament by Danny Elfman Heaven’s Not Too Far by We Three Guy What Takes His Time by Christina Aguilera Bojangles by Pitbull Weight In Gold by Gallant Stayin’ Alive by Bee Gees With Or Without You by U2 Whatta Night by Ricky J Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson Sunshine & Whiskey by Frankie Ballard

30 Days of Blogging (Day 11)

When You Were Little, What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up? I cycled through a few dream careers as a child while growing up. The top two would probably be nurse and veterinarian, as well as I have always known that I wanted to be a mother more than anything. A few other occupations I considered growing up would be Nurse, Police Officer, Olympian, Wedding Planner, Lawyer and Farmer. As I approached high school, I definitely started to focus mostly on becoming a nurse, and I was pretty sure that is what I wanted to do. Slowly I began having some second thoughts and considered business a bit. Where I live it is currently really hard for teachers to get jobs, if that wasn’t the case, I think I would be a teacher for sure.

30 Days of Blogging (Day 10)

What Fears Do You have and Why? My biggest and probably only real fear that I have is the unknown. This fear relates to a few other things though. For example, the ocean, space and death, there is so much unknown when it comes to these three things. I also would say that theses things are less of a fear to me and more just make me uncomfortable to think too much about all the unknown that surrounds it. Until the age of about 16 I was afraid of horses, and that was more of a real fear. Although it came about a strange way. When I was younger, probably about 8 years old, my family went on a vacation to Dominican Republic. My brother really liked horses, so we all went horseback riding on the beach, I was so excited because I had never been on a horse before. It was nothing like I was expecting, I though I would actually get to ride the horse, instead I was on a pony with two people holding on with ropes. The whole time I just sat there, while my family was far ahead riding the...

The December Tag

1. What do you love most about December?  Probably getting ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve its self. 2. What is your favorite fragrance for the Holidays?   Winter Candy Apple and Twisted Peppermint (both are Bath & Body Works Scents) 3. What three products can you not live without this December?   Knit headband, lip smacker and hand lotion. My lips and hands get super dried out in the cold. 4. What is your go-to look this month?   Leggings, shirt and cardigan, or hoodie! 5. What is your most favorite glittery products?   Reindeer food? I don’t think I have anything glittery. 6. Show us your favorite ornament from your Christmas tree?   7. Which candy are you going to eat way too much of this month?   8. What is your favorite Holiday related movie or TV show to watch?   All the Holiday Friends Episodes 9. What do you really hope Santa has wrapped in a present for you this year?   A belt and socks 10. T...

30 Days of Blogging (Day 9)

5 Ways to Win my Heart Surprisingly this was another hard one to answer, just like the 10 things that make me smile. It took me quite awhile to think up 5 things, then I forgot so save my document on my computer... these weren't exactly my original 5 ideas that I had but pretty much. Bring me Chinese food, Pepsi and some of my other favorite treats Be happy to listen when I need to rant, tell stories or vent Encourage and support me in my dreams and goals Remember the little things Give me space when I need it, without being emotionally distant

30 Days of Blogging (Day 8)

List your Favorite YouTubers I easily could have listed so many channels that I regularly watch and subscribe to, but that list would have been way too long! So, I picked the top ten that I that I have been watching most frequently lately. WhatsUpMoms -This channel was probably the first one I ever really started. I have seen all of their videos, check it out here . The Try Guys -They left BuzzFeed and started a new channel of their own! I have literally seen every one of their videos, the old ones and all the new ones. Click here to check their new channel! OKbaby -One of my favorite family vlog channels, click here . Do It On A Dime -I was first introduced to Kathryn's channel through WhatsUpMoms. Click here for her channel! KKandbabyJ -This is my current fave family vlog channel, you have to check it out if you haven't already discovered their videos. Click here ! Phil and Alex -Click here to follow this family journey's through adoption and infertili...

What's Left on my Christmas To-do List?

Wrap so many presents, I still have most of mine left to do. I also usually help my mom out with wrapping hers. I still have my Christmas baking to do, but I don’t usually start until the week before Christmas. I only have a few things that I plan on making. When it comes to the decorating, we are a bit behind this year! Our outdoor lights are still not up, and the tree is only a third decorated so far. I don’t even want to think about all the tidying that I still have yet to do. On a happier note, the kids and I still have a gingerbread house to decorate. One of the tasks I have do to as soon as possible is Christmas cards, thankfully I don’t have to mail any. I don’t imagine they would be delivered on time with Christmas being so close and all the backlog with the mail after the Canada Post strike. Lastly, at least as of now, is decide on a little gift for Chloe’s teacher and the kid’s daycare teachers. I can’t decide if I am super behind or pretty well on...

30 Days of Blogging (Day 7)

Share Your Celebrity Crushes Matthew McConaughey-  Alright Alright Alright. Gerald Butler- Definitely my #1 favorite. Ryan Reynolds- Well for one he's Canadian! I love how he looks at & talks of his wife. Tom Hardy- C'mon, just look at him. Ashton Kutcher- I find him really funny, loved him in That 70's Show and The Ranch! Thomas Rhett- Again, how much he loves his wife and daughters! Chase Rice- That voice though. Alec Baldwin- Two words- silver fox.

30 Days of Blogging (Day 6)

Write About Your Education Level and Desired Career Being a young mom, I found high school quite difficult with my kids being so young and not in daycare or school. I gave it a few tries but I never finished high school. Although, I did get my GED (general education diploma) in November 2017. In January 2018 I started taking online business administration courses through my local community college. I am now preparing to start my fourth semester in January. Also, this past semester I took two additional professional development courses in class at a local private college. As much as I enjoy business, I have been having some second thoughts, which I’m sure is pretty common. I also have an interest in early childhood education and doulaing (if that’s a word), with the idea of not closing any doors for myself I am also pursing those paths along with business administration. Business Admin is my main focus, the other two are just on the side as I have the time.   By the firs...

30 Days of Blogging (Day 5)

Reveal Something or Someone That You Miss When it comes to something or someone that I miss, a few things and people come to mind. However, the number one thing that I miss I would have to say is swimming. I learned how to swim young, and at 6 years old I joined a competitive swim team. At first, I wasn’t too fond of the competitive aspects or the hard training, but I love the water and swimming. At 11 years old, I bit began to really take swimming more seriously, honestly because I was “in love” with this guy in my group. I never missed a practice and ended up getting really good and fast. I did very well for a while, my team was my family. As we got older, I and other swimmers got bullied quite badly by another swimmer. Then my coach, who was like a third parent to me, quit and moved far away. I continued to swim, but the passion and desire was no longer there. My last swim competition was when I was 10 weeks pregnant with my daughter, Chloe. After Chloe was born, I taugh...

30 Days of Blogging (Day 4)

List 10 Things That Make You Smile This was actually much harder to list than I thought it would be. Besides my children and my friends and family, I wasn't sure what else to list. My mind sort of went blank trying to think of what makes me smile. Even the short list below too me a couple of days to come up with. My Daughter, Chloe My First Son, Logan My Second Son, Lucas Swimming, My Passion While Growing Up Christmas, One of My Favorite Holidays My Puppy, Stella My Best Friend, Regan My Family & Friends Mittens, My Kitty Spending Time at My Family’s Cottage

30 Days of Blogging (Day 3)

Write About Your First Love My very first love, although I’m not sure he counts because of how old we were at the time, name is Jacob and he lived a few houses down from me. He and I went to Preschool together, we have known each other and been friends our whole lives. In elementary school he would hold my hand at recess and after school and tell the supervisors, as well as all the parents that I was his wife. All while growing up, we were best friends and spent so much time together. We don’t see each other very often anymore now that he doesn’t live as close to me, but we still see each other on Christmas eve, New Years and in the summer a bit.     As for my first “real” love, his name is Brendan. We were really great friends for a long time and still talk today. We dated for a couple years with a couple breaks in between. Honestly, if it had of been later on in life when we were older, there could have been a real future for the two of us. I wouldn’t change anythin...

Counting Down the Days to 2019

It has been almost exactly two years since my motivation to continue blogging started to dwindle. It has been such a struggle to try to get back on a roll and I still have yet to do so. Over the last little while I have been planning a post schedule, writing posts and working on updating my blog. This is all in preparation for the new year that is fast approaching, my sights are set, and I am ready to hit the road running with #momlife this new year. I have wanted so badly and for so long to jump back into blogging, get back to posting on my Instagram and connect with more people. 2019 is the year that it WILL happen for me, no excuses! It will be a busy year with everything that I have on my plate at the moment, but I am carefully preparing for it and getting ready to be totally organized! I have so many goals and plans for mine and my children’s future and I am at the point where I need to start taking the steps towards these goals, and in order to succeed I need to keep fo...

30 Days of Blogging (Day 2)

Explain Your Current Relationship I am not currently in a relationship at the moment, nor am I even close to being in one. I thought that I had met someone I thought that there may have been potential with, but it turned out to be nothing. I have no desire to seek out any sort of relationship at this time or anytime soon. There really isn’t much else to say regarding relationships at this time. As for Friendships however, I still have my best friend Regan and a few other girl friends. Although, I am only really close with Regan. Making new friends has never been a strength that I have had, I tend to be more on the shy and quiet side. Being in class helps a little bit with that, and I know when I get a job that will as well.