30 Days of Blogging (Day 13)

Where Do You See Yourself In 10 Years


I will definitely be finished school or at least the things that I have already started. In ten years, I would love to be a published author, I’m not sure how realistic that is, but I enjoy writing and have always wanted to write a book, or multiple books. Owning my own business is another dream of mine that I have had for some time now. I hope to still be blogging and it would be great to be known for it through social media.

I would like to find my person and get married at some point in the next ten years. Also, living in our own dream home with my kids (and any kids he may have or that we have together). I would love to live a bit out of the way with a little homestead thing going on. I love animals and it would be great to have pets for us to love and the kids to grow up around.


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