30 Days of Blogging (Day 8)

List your Favorite YouTubers

I easily could have listed so many channels that I regularly watch and subscribe to, but that list would have been way too long! So, I picked the top ten that I that I have been watching most frequently lately.
  1. WhatsUpMoms -This channel was probably the first one I ever really started. I have seen all of their videos, check it out here.
  2. The Try Guys -They left BuzzFeed and started a new channel of their own! I have literally seen every one of their videos, the old ones and all the new ones. Click here to check their new channel!
  3. OKbaby -One of my favorite family vlog channels, click here.
  4. Do It On A Dime -I was first introduced to Kathryn's channel through WhatsUpMoms. Click here for her channel!
  5. KKandbabyJ -This is my current fave family vlog channel, you have to check it out if you haven't already discovered their videos. Click here!
  6. Phil and Alex -Click here to follow this family journey's through adoption and infertility.
  7. LoeppksysLife -Check out her channel here!
  8. JesssFam -Check out another of my favorite family vlogs on YouTube, click here.
  9. Emily Elizabeth Parris -I started following Emily's channel some time ago now, it was very refreshing so find a vlogger that shared her journey through an illness that many wouldn't typically talk about. It is definitely worth the watch, click here
  10. Doctor Mike -Click here to check out his channel.


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